31. D-Day

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It was a Sunday to remember—the final concert in Busan. The stadium was packed to the brim with ARMYs, their cheers and applause blending into a wave of energy that felt like pure magic.

BTS was on fire, performing with unmatched passion, and driving the crowd wild with every beat, every note. The excitement buzzed through the air like electricity. As the night drew to a close, the members gathered at the front of the stage, their smiles radiant under the lights. RM, holding the mic, stepped forward, his heart pounding not just from the performance but from the weight of this moment.

"ARMYYY!" Nam Joon's voice echoed through the stadium, carrying warmth and sincerity. "how fast time flies? Here we are, closing out the night together. Thank you for making this moment unforgettable, just like you always do."

He paused, letting the cheers and chants wash over him, the love from ARMY filling the air like an electric current. 

Just as the noise began to ebb, a voice rang out, clear and loud through the speakers, cutting through the moment like a lightning bolt.

"Mr. Kim Nam Joon!"

The crowd fell silent, confusion rippling through the stadium as everyone, including the members, scanned the area for the source of the voice. RM's eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat. He knew that voice—he'd recognize it anywhere. But where was she?

"Mr. Kim Nam Joon, Saranghae."

The words sent a jolt through him - it was Manya. His heart raced, eyes darting across the sea of faces, but he couldn't find her. The members, initially just as puzzled, suddenly erupted into cheers as they realized who it was, their excitement mirroring the whirlwind of emotions he felt inside.

And then, like a spotlight from the heavens, lights illuminated a section of the gallery to the right of the stage. There she was—Manya, removing her mask, standing tall with a mic in her hand, her eyes locked onto Nam Joon's. The stage screens lit up, showing her face, and the entire stadium was captivated.

"Kim Nam Joon-shi, will you marry me?"

Her voice trembled with emotion, every word dripping with sincerity.

Nam Joon's knees gave out, and he knelt on the stage, nodding furiously, holding the mic with both hands. "Yes... Yes!", his voice cracked with emotion as tears welled up in his eyes. He bowed his head, touching the floor, overcome with emotion.

The members were in a frenzy. "Woww!" "Get it, man!" "OMG!" They shouted, their excitement bubbling over. V, Jungkook, and Jimin were jumping around like kids, huddled together, with Jungkook sprinting across the stage in pure joy. Jin blew kisses towards Manya, his face lit up with happiness. He rushed over to Nam Joon, pulling him to his feet and giving him a playful shove towards Manya.

Nam Joon, regaining his composure, leaped off the stage, effortlessly crossing through the barriers with ease and diving into the sea of ARMYs who were now chanting his name with feverish excitement. "Kim Nam Joon! Kim Nam Joon!" The sound was deafening, a wave of love and support that could probably be heard miles away from Busan.

With every step, every inch closer to Manya, it felt like a dream—a surreal, beautiful dream. And then, as if pulled by the same invisible thread, Manya began to run toward him too, her eyes locked on his. The crowd around them blurred into a hazy backdrop, the world fading away until it was just the two of them, hearts racing in sync. 

When they finally met in the middle, their breaths mingling in the cool night air, their hands instinctively reached for each other, fingers intertwining as if they were always meant to fit together. The stadium, now a chorus of cheers and cries, seemed to pause just for them, like the universe itself had slowed to witness this moment. Nam Joon pulled Manya close, his eyes searching hers, reflecting the same mix of disbelief, joy, and love that she felt.

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