30. Crossroads of Destiny

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It's been a week since Nam Joon left, and Manya's world feels like it's spiraling into a void - endless and cold. Every day without him feels like a heavy stone in chest, and every attempt to reach him has gone unanswered. The silence is deafening, and she's sinking into an ocean of loneliness. Niharika is away in the States, making the isolation even more intense.

It's midnight. The city outside is quiet, and the only sound in Manya's house is her heartache. She's curled up in the living room, scrolling through her phone and calling Nam Joon, again and again, only to hear the same cold silence.

She tries to muster up some courage. "He's always been so logical. I can't keep living like this. I need to face life and stop hiding. Come on, Manya, get your act together. Just go for it!"

Determined, she dialed a number, hoping for some relief.

"Hello, sweet heart," came the familiar, warm voice of Nam Joon's mother.

Manya choked back a sob, her voice cracking as she whispered, "Eomma nim...". 
Hearing the familiar voice, Manya's tears start flowing uncontrollably.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Nam Joon's mom sounded both concerned and confused.

Manya broke down. "He... he broke up with me."

"Why?" Nam Joon's mom was puzzled.

Through her sobs, Manya explained, "He wanted to get married, but I'm scared of the media and the army. I keep putting off going public, and he got frustrated. Now he's not talking to me."

Nam Joon's mom was silent for a moment, trying to process this. "Manya darling, calm down. I'm here for you. We'll fix this. Trust me."

Manya can barely hold herself together. "But eomma nim, it's just... I can't handle his silence. It's driving me crazy."

"Listen," Nam Joon's mom said gently but firmly, "Don't cry. Don't think about anything tonight. Everything will be okay. I'll sort this out. Just hold on till morning. I'll see you then."

With that, she hung up, leaving Manya feeling a small glimmer of hope amid her despair. Determined to take the next step, Manya decided to call her brother, Manish, back in India.

"Hey Manish, we need to talk. How would you react if I told you I wanted to marry a Korean guy?"

Manish chuckles. "I'd say, I knew it."

"What?" Manya is surprised.

Manish continues, "You've been turning down all the boys mom picks, so I figured you were with someone. Mom's suspicious too. She was saying last time you were at someone else's place."

"Shut up," Manya let out a shaky cry. "It's not like that. But I really love this guy, and he's a bit eminent here. I'm just... really struggling with how to tell Mom."

"Don't worry," Manish said, clearly excited. "I'll drop the bomb at home and deal with the fallout. Just tell me who he is."

Manya hesitated. "I can't say his name yet. I'll fill you in tomorrow. Just set things in motion, okay?"

With that, she hung up, feeling a mix of relief and dread. Talking to Manish has drained her of the last of her courage. She collapses onto the couch, trembling and crying, dazed by the weight of her decisions and the uncertainty of the future.

The night stretches on, a dark, endless expanse filled with the echoes of her fear and longing.

She's jolted awake by the doorbell ringing. Disoriented and realizing she'd crashed on the couch. Groggily, she stumbled to the door, and to her shock, it was Nam Joon's parents.

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