Chapter 6: Ancients Beyond The Lower

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Keres Briar walked through the primordial dreams, his tendrils lashing out and destroying everything in his path. The beings that lived in the primordial dreams cowered before him, unable to comprehend the chaos that he represented.

As Keres Briar walked, his form shifting and growing larger with each passing moment, he could sense something stirring within the universe. It was as if the very fabric of existences inside the primordial lands of dreams was bending and warping, contorting itself into new shapes and forms.

Keres Briar knew that this was the work of the Ancients, the beings that existed beyond the confines of concepts and abstracts. They were the architects of primordial dimensions, manipulating the laws of lower world's and the lesser concepts of lesser existences to suit their whims.

But even as Keres Briar pondered the power of the ancients, he knew that there was something even greater beyond them. It was a realm of existence beyond lower realms and the land of primordial dreams, a place where all of the lower existences existed as one.

The realm of higher planes, a place where the very abstraction was turned on its head.

Keres Briar knew that there were beings that existed in the higher planes, beings that were beyond even the the primordial dreams. They were the ancients, the beings that had existed before the lower existencesand, the ones who had created the lower multiverses itself.

But Keres Briar knew that he was not ready to face the ancients, not yet. He needed to grow stronger, more powerful, before he could take on beings of such immense power.

And so, he set out on a quest to explore the multiverse, to gain power and knowledge, and to bring more beings into his fold.

As Keres Briar moved through the primordial dreams, he came across a being unlike any he had seen before. It was an entity that existed in multiple dimensions at once, its form shifting and warping as it moved.

The being introduced itself as Khorium, an entity that had lived for eons beyond measurement, traveling through the multiverse to experience all of its wonders.

Khorium spoke of the higher planes, of the power of the ancients, and of the potential that Keres Briar held within himself.

The Keres Briar listened, sensing the truth in Khorium's words. And as he did, he felt his power growing, his tendrils spreading out further and further, encompassing more and more of the multiverse.

With Khorium by his side, Keres Briar set out on a journey across the lower planes, seeking out new knowledge and new power. They visited worlds beyond counting, encountering beings of unimaginable power and horror.

As they traveled deeper into the universe, the Keres Briar began to sense something else, a gathering of power beyond anything he had ever encountered before.

He knew that it was the ancients, the beings that existed in the higher planes, and he knew that he had to confront them, no matter the cost.

With Khorium by his side, Keres Briar stepped through the veil of reality, entering into the realm of higher dimensions. He could feel the power coursing through him, the mad energy that had driven him from the beginning.

But even as keres Briar moved closer and closer to the ancients, he knew that he was not ready to face them head-on. He needed more power, more understanding of the universe, before he could hope to take on beings of such immense power.

And so, he continued his journey through the universe, seeking out new knowledge, and new power. The Keres Briar had become the embodiment of the void, the essence of the lower existences itself. And he would not stop until he had conquered all of existence, no matter the cost.

As keres Briar continued on his journey through the multiverse, he encountered a being that was unlike any he had ever seen before well except for Khorium who decided to leave. It shimmered like a rainbow, its body composed entirely of light.

The being introduced itself as Sylph, an entity that represented creation of the lower existences itself. Sylph spoke of balance, of the need for creation and destruction to exist in harmony, and of the power that could be harnessed by those who understood this balance.

Keres Briar listened, his tendrils writhing with excitement. He knew that Sylph possessed knowledge that he could use to gain even more power.

Together, Keres Briar and Sylph traveled across the universe, observing the wonders of creation and the chaos of destruction. They encountered civilizations that rose and fell, stars that burned brightly before dying out, and planets that birthed new forms of life.

But even as they observed the universe, Keres Briar knew that there was an imbalance, that creation was outpacing destruction, that the universe was moving towards a state of stagnation.

It was then that Keres Briar had an epiphany, a realization that came to him in a flash of insight. The answer lay in the balance, in the understanding of both creation and destruction.

Keres Briar knew that he had to bring balance to the universe, that he had to impose his will upon the cosmos to ensure that the balance was maintained.

And so, with Sylph by his side, Keres Briar began to move through the multiverse, destroying civilizations that had grown too powerful, snuffing out stars that were burning too brightly.

He brought balance to the universe, adjusting the scales so that creation and destruction were once again in harmony. And as he did, he felt his power growing, his form shifting and changing as he absorbed the energy of the universe.

With power beyond compare, Keres Briar knew that he was ready to face the ancients, to take on the beings that existed beyond time and space, to claim his place as the king of the void.

And as he stood at the edge of the multiverse, ready to step into the realm of the ancients, Keres Briar knew that he was not alone. Sylph stood by his side, a being of creation and balance, ready to aid him in his quest.

Together, they stepped through the veil of reality, traveling into the realm of the ancients. And as they did, the universe shook, the very laws of physics and the concepts of existence warping and bending around them.

But even as Keres Briar stood before the ancients, he knew that he was ready, that the madness that drove him had prepared him for this moment.

He spoke to the ancients, his voice ringing out across the lower and upper with a power that shook the land of dreams including the lesser void themselves. And he demanded that they acknowledge his power, that they recognize his role as the king of the void.

And as the lower worlds waited with bated breath, the ancients responded. They acknowledged Keres Briar's power, recognized his place as the ruler of the void, and offered him a place amongst their ranks as a being of immense power and horror.

With the multiverse trembling around him, Keres Briar accepted, his tendrils writhing with mad glee. He was now one of the ancients, a being beyond conception of time and space, a ruler of the void. And he knew that the universe would never be the same.....

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