Chapter 19: The Swirling Dimensions

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Ryan travelled and trained his abilities to control realities without his pen but his thoughts of his own mind.

Ryan had always known that his powers were special. Ever since he had discovered them, he had been eager to learn how to control them. However, he had always relied on his trusty pen to shape the realities around him.

But as he travelled alone through the vast expanse of space, Ryan began to realize that he didn't need his pen to control realities; all he needed was the power of his mind.

At first, he struggled to grasp this new concept. Ryan had used his pen for so long that it felt strange to rely solely on his thoughts to control the universe around him. But he quickly realized that his mind was capable of so much more than he had ever imagined.

Ryan started small, practicing with simple tasks like changing the color of a star or creating small asteroids out of thin air. As he grew more confident in his abilities, Ryan started to push himself harder, trying out more complex ideas and challenging the limits of his imagination.

He spent months and years training himself, practicing the art of reality shaping until it became second nature to him. From creating whole galaxies to bending the laws of physics, Ryan discovered that there was nothing he couldn't do when he put his mind to it.

Ryan knew that he still had much to learn and that his abilities were far from perfect. But for the first time in his life, he felt a sense of freedom, of limitless possibility. With his mind as his only tool, Ryan knew that he was capable of achieving anything he set his sights on.

He then travelled further into the depths of space, Ryan continued to hone his abilities, ever hungry for knowledge and eager to explore the lurkers amongst the stars.

As Ryan travelled through the type 1-3 multiverse, he felt a sense of utter exhilaration. For the first time since becoming aware of his powers, he felt like he was making true progress. With each passing moment, he felt himself getting closer and closer to the heart of all existence.

But as he travelled further, he soon realized there were even more things beyond his understanding. Beyond the reach of the type 4 multiverse, there was a great barrier. Ryan could sense the immense power emanating from it, yet he felt a strange pulling, something that beckoned him to push on, to move forward.

Without hesitation, Ryan went through the great barrier and found himself in a place unlike any other. There were infinite numbers of dimensions, each carrying all the four classes or types of multiverses. Ryan looked around him, amazed at the sheer size and complexity of the expanse that lay before him.

As he scanned through the infinite dimensions, he realised that each held within them an infinite-dimensional space or size. He marvelled at this new concept, and felt himself getting lost in the sheer craziness of it all.

But then, a thought occurred to him. He wondered if other dimensions could be like cells in the body, each holding the four classes/types of multiverses. With a curious mind, Ryan began to examine each dimension in finer detail.

He found that each dimension had a different set of properties and fundamental forces, yet they all shared a common thread. Each of them viewed the four classes/types of multiverses as cells of the body, with each type performing its own unique function.

Ryan continued to explore the vast expanse of the dimensions, learning more and more about the multiverse. As he travelled further and further, he knew that he was entering uncharted territory, but he was excited to see what lay ahead. He was no longer bound by space or time, and had the power to explore the universe with his mind.

As Ryan stayed among the infinite number of dimensions, he was amazed at how each dimension was unique, yet they all shared a common lineage. He felt that each of these dimensions was like a family member to him - different, but still connected by a common ancestry.

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