Chapter 22: Hello...

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Hello everyone, I am what you call as the narrator, the only thing that I know my existence is that the travel, I am not an omniscient kind of a narrator for I do not have the access to be omniscient, I call myself as an aspect of something greater, I am just an aspect of the avatar known to be the essential narrator, a being who is truly omniscient In his true form... what I know about him is that he isn't omniscient in the lower worlds, for 'HIM' wants the aspect of the essential narrator also known as Avatar to travel to the lower worlds where I am now standing at Adams/Liam's original universe, u saw him before and disappeared with the avatar, the avatar left me a note where it explains that Adam will "Ascended above mortality" something that gave me shivering feelings in my spine... and now I begin to travel outside of the planet where I start my journey to study the universe and something beyond it if I find it.

A few years later.

As I continued my journey through the vast expanse of the universe, I began to realize that my understanding of space was flawed. The universe was not a three-dimensional space that could be easily explored and mapped out like a graph. It was something much more complex and unknowable.

I started to realize that the universe was infinite dimensional, with dimensions upon dimensions that were beyond my comprehension. It was as if I had been viewing the universe through a keyhole, and now someone had opened the door to reveal an endless expanse of inexplicable mysteries.

The concept of 'infinity' itself was difficult for me to grasp. How could something be infinite? How could it have no beginning and no end? But as I witnessed the vastness of the universe, I began to understand that infinity was not simply a 'mathematical concept', but a archetype reality of the universe itself, more likely it exist just make up the universe.

Time and space were not separate entities, but interconnected within the infinite dimensional universe. I saw that everything that had ever existed or would ever exist was connected in some way through the intricate and infinite fabric of space-time which I call as timelines, how could that exist? by infinite dimensional size or just something that the universe had since the dawn of 'The beginning'.

It was overwhelming, and I struggled to fully understand the implications of what I was experiencing. But as I continued to journey through the infinite dimensional universe, I knew that I had only scratched the surface of what lay beyond.

The universe was not a flat plane, but a complex, multidimensional space that defied easy explanation. It was a tangle of dimensions, each one unfolding in ways that were beyond my understanding.

As I moved through the infinite dimensional universe, I felt small and insignificant. But at the same time, I felt a sense of wonder and awe at the things that lurked amongst the stars. And as I continued on my journey, I knew that I would never fully understand the universe, but would always be fascinated by its infinite complexity and beauty.

I knew that the concept of 'infinity' and infinite dimensional might be difficult for others to understand. And to some, it might even be terrifying to contemplate the vastness of the universe and the endless possibilities that lay within it.

But for me, it was a revelation. It allowed me to shed my narrow, infinite dimensional perspective and view the universe with a new sense of openness and curiosity.

As I moved through the infinite dimensional universe or IDU for short, I saw things that were beyond anything I had ever imagined. There were timelines with different laws of physics, where time flowed backward, where up and down were reversed, where dimensions intertwined in inexplicable ways.

It was like moving through a kaleidoscope of possibilities, each one more mind-bending than the last. And as I moved through these timelines, I felt a deep sense of wonder and joy at the infinite creativity of the universe.

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