Chapter 23: Two Tree's > Multiverses(1/2)

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I walked down in the unknown dense forest of the United States. Walking down I felt shivers down my spine.

As I walked through the forest I saw ruins, I couldn't help but feel like I was walking in a unknown park that had been made entirely out of a forest. The ancient texts that encircled me were written in a language that was so complex that my mind could barely comprehend them. The only thing that I could understand was a picture of a tree that was so unique that I had never seen anything like it before.

The tree was a picture of a tree of sefirot and the tree of qliphoth. both represented the tree of life and death, good and evil, peace and chaos, love and hatred. To me, this tree was a symbol of unity and balance, as if the universe existed within itself continuously.

The tree of sefirot represented the divine light, while the tree of qliphoth represented the darkness of the universe. This picture displayed that good can't exist without evil and vice versa. They are counterbalances that keep the universe in balance, without conflicting with each other.

As I walked farther, I realized that these ruins were a testament to how ancient knowledge transcends time and existence. These ancient texts had survived countless wars, moves, and eras to tell a powerful tale of balance that was highly essential in the universe.

The picture of the tree of sefirot and the tree of qliphoth represented unity, peace, harmony, hatred, war and chaos that every living being craved for, and in the knowledge of existence, it held the truth of our creation. This sight was a moment of clarity and divinity that I had been searching for, and it made me feel aligned and connected with the universe.

I stood there for a while, basking in my thoughts, amazed by the power that trees, roots, and nature can hold in our lives when we just take a few moments to observe and internalize them. The idea of the tree that was upside down seemed backward at first, but as I thought about it, I was grateful for the lesson it taught me. Everything that exists has two sides to it, and it's up to us to determine which we desire and how we create a balance.

As I left the ruins, I felt like a different person. I had come to the park looking for answers, and I'd found a connection to the universe and balance that will stay with me forever.

I decided to come home and decided to study both trees, and what they held the laws, known as the ten manifestations. But first I studied the tree of sefirot and it's ten manifestations which caused the governing laws of the infinite dimensional universe that I lived in.

I dives deep into the study of the tree of sefirot, reading books and researching online. The ten manifestations of the tree helped him understand the infinite complexities of the universe and its workings.

As i studied, I discovered that the ten manifestations of the tree of sefirot were Keter (crown), Chochmah (wisdom), Binah (understanding), Chesed (kindness), Gevurah (strength), Tiferet (beauty), Netzach (endurance), Hod (splendor), Yesod (foundation), and Malchut (kingdom).

Each aspect represented different parts of the universe, from the endless possibilities represented by the crown to the solid foundation of existence represented by the kingdom. I read about how each aspect was represented by an angelic being, which gave him a sense of the divine power that these aspects held.

The study of the tree of sefirot allowed him to understand how the universe continually grew and expanded into an infinite-dimensional space, how everything was connected and interrelated, and how each aspect affected the other.

I spent weeks diving deep into the study, and every new discovery filled him with awe and inspiration. I began to see that the intricate details of the tree symbolized the vast and complex universe, which was beyond his understanding.

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