Chapter 15: King Of Dark and Miguel

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Deep within the vast expanse of the void, beyond the reach of mortals, there existed a being of immense power known as the King in Dark. He was a being shrouded in mystery, feared and revered by all who knew of him.

It was said that the King in Dark had the power to control the lesser void to his will in a singular thought. With this power, he created abysmal beasts that roamed the void, spreading fear and chaos wherever they went.

These beasts were cruel and twisted, born of the dark energies that permeated the void. They were known to devour the souls of those foolish enough to venture too close, trapping them in a never-ending cycle of torment and misery.

The King in Dark was the undisputed ruler of the abysmal kingdom, where madness and chaos reigned supreme. Here, he sat upon his throne of darkness, plotting his next move and spreading his influence further into the multiverses.

Many believed that the King in Dark was a being of pure evil, driven by a desire for power and destruction. Others whispered that he was driven mad by the endless void, forever searching for something that could bring him peace.

Whatever the truth may be, one thing was certain - the King in Dark was a being to be feared and respected. His power was unmatched, his influence undeniable. And as long as he remained in control, the void would remain a place of darkness and terror, where only the bravest and most foolish dared to tread.

The King in Dark watched from his throne as the abysmal beasts roamed the void, their twisted forms causing waves of fear and terror to spread throughout the multiverse. He was the king of this domain, the ruler of the abysmal kingdom, and he knew that he was the one who transcended the lower worlds.

"I am the one who is beyond the primordial dreams," he declared, his voice echoing across the void. "The lesser void and my kingdom are beyond all that mortals can comprehend and incomprehend. I am the eternal darkness, the chaos that defies order."

As he spoke, the King in Dark's eyes glowed with an unholy light, and the abysmal beasts grew more frenzied, their cries of madness and despair ringing through the void.

"But there is a prophecy," he continued, his voice growing colder and more menacing with each word. "A prophecy that foretells of a man in a trenchcoat who will train a young man in the primordial dreams to defeat me. They will come for me, these mortal fools, with their feeble weapons and their precious dreams. But they will not succeed. For I am the King in Dark, and I am eternal."

The King in Dark leaned forward on his throne, his eyes glowing brighter still. "Let them come," he snarled. "Let them try to defeat me. They will find only death and despair in this abysmal kingdom, and they will know that they have dared to defy me."

And with that, the King in Dark settled back into his throne, his dark laughter echoing across the void. The prophecy may be foretold, but he knew that he was beyond the mortal realm, and that his power was absolute.

The King in Dark held a floating ball in his hand, gazing upon it with a cold detachment. "This is the lesser worlds," he stated, his voice echoing across the void. "It is here that the primordial dreams are found, the singularities that hold upon the dimensions, the dimensions that hold upon the multiverses and universes."

As he spoke, the infinite multitude of abysmal beasts that surrounded him muttered and growled, their voices a discordant chorus of anger and fear.

"These are only a handful of human level planes," they hissed. "The lesser worlds are the ant beneath your boot. They are nothing, compared to your power."

The King in Dark chuckled darkly, his grip tightening on the ball as he considered the beasts' words. "What you say is true," he agreed. "The lesser worlds are but an ant that I can crush into oblivion by pure strength alone. I can destroy them all, with a thought."

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