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It's 3am and the leftover pizza is starting to make the house smell like pepperoni and the room around me is spinning. I haven't drank this much in so long I forgot what it feels like to be hammered out of my mind. I always hated the feeling, but tonight it feels good. Tonight, instead of being emotional and sad about Sam, all I've wanted to do is call him and tell him to come over. All I've wanted to do is experience a night with him again.

I know it's just the alcohol talking, because my mind isn't usually this dirty, but people always say that drunk words are sober thoughts. And these are definitely thoughts that I've had in the back of my mind many times, even when we were together.

Sam is a beautiful specimen, made by God himself. Carved by angels and sent down from heaven to grace the earth with his beauty. He doesn't even realise how gorgeous he is and that's something that's always annoyed me about him. He got shy when I complimented him and he went red when I told him how stunning he was. It made me wonder why he doesn't look in the mirror and see exactly what I see. What most of the world sees too.

"Should we make cocktails?" Milly slurs, stumbling into the living room from the kitchen.

"Don't you think we've had a bit too much already?" Cass laughs, her body is all wobbly now from the vodka and her drink almost spills out of the glass as she talks.

"Don't be a bore!" Milly shouts and walks back into the kitchen. I get up from the sofa and follow her in.

"I'll have one" I say, and the sound of my drunk voice makes me cringe.

"Yes! She's back everyone! Fun Olivia is back!" Milly screams and I hear Tara shout 'woo' from the living room. I laughs and shake my head, grabbing the carton of orange juice from the fridge.

"Sex on the beach?" I ask, giggling at the words coming from my mouth like a little girl.

"Ugh, yes please" she groans and tips the carton into the shaker. She reaches over and grabs the rest of the drinks and pours them all in without measuring. I know this is going to be a strong one, but I think I'm at the point where it won't even taste like alcohol.

She puts the lid on the shaker and starts waving it around in circles and I have to hold my stomach as I laugh at her, especially when she almost drops it on the floor and I see her life flash before her eyes. She looks at me for a second with a shocked expression and starts shaking it more gently this time. And when she takes the lid off, she starts pouring the cocktail into two glasses.

We clink the tips of the glasses together and take a sip, before spraying the liquid out of our mouths like whales. It doesn't even taste like she added any mixers into it, it's the strongest thing I've ever tasted and it burns the back of my throat.

"Fuck that's strong" she scrunches up her face and takes another sip, struggling to swallow it.

"How much did you put in it?!" I ask, almost dying of laughter at the fact that there's now little specks of orange all over the white tiles.

And before she can answer, Tara walks into the room with my phone in her hand, and in the screen I can see Sam's name, and it makes my head go dizzy all over again.

"Sam's calling" she slurs, and she passes me my phone before sitting down on one of the stools around the island.

I click the little green button and hold my phone against my ear, waiting to hear his voice,

"Hey... you still at Tara's?" He asks, his voice quiet and raspy like he's just woken up.

"Yeahh... why do you ask?" I slur into the phone, cringing at how hard it is to sound even the slightest bit sober.

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