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I can't stop looking at him when he takes a swig of his beer and almost spits it out when he laughs at something Bondy said. I don't even know what Bondy said, I'm too busy gazing at Sam's lips. The lips that I kissed.

I've never done that before, make the first move. I've always been too shy, too insecure. But with Sam it feels so natural. He makes me feel so comfortable within myself, like I don't have to hide anything from him because he doesn't care. He hasn't a single ounce of judgement in him.

It's so strange to find someone perfect the way Sam is. Mum always brought me up to discard the word 'perfect' from my vocabulary because no one is and no one ever will be. But she's so wrong, so so wrong. She just never met Sam.

Tara hasn't spoken much since we arrived at the club, she's been sitting with her drinks in her hand, swigging one after the other. To be fair, I begged and pleaded for her to come with me after she said no multiple times. Said she feels awkward being around Benji after what happened. But it was a while ago and I reminded her that he's over it now, he probably doesn't even remember.

"Where's Milly these days?" Bondy asks and I notice the way Van's body stiffens at the sound of her name.

"Cryin over our Ryan probably" Larry laughs and I look over at Tara who's grinning, we all know the story by now and we all find it rather funny, especially Tara. It makes her feel better about her drama with Ben, knowing that our friend had it so much worse.

"I'm gonna get another round in" Van speaks, a blank expression on his face when he looks at me for a split second before he heads off towards the bar.

"Way to go Lau, ruined Van's night" Benji says sarcastically. The annoying this is that none of them truly know how much it impacted Van. I lived with him through the whole thing, he didn't get out of bed for weeks, didn't eat and didn't sleep. Just wrote a bunch of songs and sat with his guitar in his lap until he finally got the courage to show himself again. The boys all just assumed he was busy with writing or busy helping mum and dad with the b&b. But really he was shredding the tips of his fingers on guitar strings as if it would tear away the heartbreak.

"Who's Milly?" Sam asks, a confused look on his face as he looks around the group for an answer.

"Van's ex... we don't speak about her in front of him... Larry's just a prick" I shoot a glare at Larry and turn back to Sam, "he didn't take the break up well, that's all" I say, defending my brother. Sam nods and takes a sip of his beer.

The boys were all already drunk before we even arrived at the club, they all brought way too many beers with them and wanted to down the entirety of the 5 crates before we left and when they actually did down every single one, they were complaining that they felt sick. Tara and I were the only responsible ones at that time, now she's on her sixth double vodka and coke and I can see her eyelids falling with every sip she takes.

"Let's dance" Tara turns to me, almost spilling her drink all over me when she turns a little too aggressively and I hold my hand out to stop hers from flying any further towards me.

She grabs my hand and leads me away from the group and into the middle of the dance floor, where a sea of sweaty bodies almost crushed us to death. I hate dancing, especially now that Sam has his eyes on us. But I'm tipsy and I haven't seen Tara in so long, I want her to have a good night. I want me to have a good night.

"Sam's fit isn't he" she leans in and shouts over the music, even when she's so close to my face I can hardly make out what she says but when I do, I scrunch my face up at her words.

It doesn't take long for me to lose Tara in the crowd of people, I can see her erotically dancing with some random boy, her back turned to him as she lowers herself and then comes back up, smiling at him over her shoulder.

Dance with me darlingWhere stories live. Discover now