"coffee coffee coffe like an exclamation!"

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The incessant sound of the alarm woke me up from my beautiful dreams. How i hate mondays and especially in the mornings. I get up and go straight to the kitchen get some coffee. First day on town and i am out of coffee. Nice.

Since i have no caffeine i decided to take a bath and wake my baby up so we can go to the closest coffee shop.

- Good morning sweetie, time to get up- I kiss her chubby cheeks and she opens her deep blue eyes

- Good morning mommy- she smiles at me and i could feel my heart exploding. How i loved my little angel.

- Let's get up? Mommy will let you at the new school today, are you excited?

- School!! I will make new friends momma!- She gets up in bed excitedly

- Oh yes you will, hon. But you need to get ready first, uh?


Walking in the streets from this quiet town, i look for a cafe or a diner. My little girl is holding my hand chattering about her new school and making friends. I love hearing her talk but i really need caffeine. I wonder how fun is walking around without any paps coming up. Another thing gets my attention.

Kelce's dinner. Okay, it looks great.

I go in and sit with Violet on a small table next to the counter. A tall man comes over our table.

- Morning, wanna order?- he stares at his paper with a dishcloth over his shoulders.

- Yes. Coffee Coffee Coffee!- I give the man a smile, nothing back

- Okay, so 3 coffees. Anything more?

- Oh no. Not 3 coffees, it's'coffee coffee coffee' like an exclamation. A exaggeration, you know?

- One coffee then?- He finally looks at me. Not a good look. He stares at me- Do i know you?

- Oh, i don't think so

- Right. Just the coffee?

- Do you want something, Vio?

- Yeah, i want grilled cheese and a hot chocolate please.

- That's it. Thank you- The man go away to the kitchen

- Mommy

- Yes bunny?

- You think the kids will like me?- she stares at me with a lil of insecurity shimmering in her eyes

- My baby! Of course they will. How, in the world, someone would not adore you?

- I don't know. Maybe the way up there father- she points to the sky.

- Bunny, why would you say that?

- He took daddy from me. Maybe i'm not a good girl who deserves a dad.- She's still a kid, she doesn't understand life and has any religious perspective. My heart aches. I pull her to my lap.

- Honey, he doesn't hate you and you're a perfect little girl. Your daddy can't be with us, unfortunately, but the short time he knew you, he loved you. He loved you so much, baby. How could he not love?- I kiss her cheeks and put her back to her chair- Be calm and be yourself, people will love you just the way you are.

- I love you mommy bunny

- I love you to the moon lil bunny

The man (i need to know his name) came back with coffee this time. Yes.

- I love you- I told him as he gently put our orders at the table. My little monster began to eat

- I'm thrilled- That was very sarcastic. I liked it.

After he left, me and Violet finished our breakfast and ran (not literally) to her primary school. She was afraid, i knew it, but she wouldn't show. My little strong girl.

I arrived to the Moth Inn. It's a very cute inn where you can find normal rooms and chalets that is very similar to a real house. Me and vio are staying in one of these.

My phone vibrates and i see that this was blake calling.

"-Hellooo hottie. Oh god, i already miss you

- Blake, it's like one day and a half!

- I know but i love you and i need you!! How is it going at the new city?

- It's okay. Cute down, beautiful inn, good school, good coffee and pizza, a bunch of books and good places to stay.

- Thats perfect, hon. I'm so happy you're taking a time for yourself and Violet. How's our girl?

- She's good, earlier she was afraid of people not liking her and talked about Tom. It killed me, i wish they could have the life they deserved together

- My poor baby. Tom was an incredible person while he was between us, we gladly could be around him for so long.

- Yes, we were the lucky ones at this point.- a small smile came to my lips. Tom was in fact a great person and a huge friend- Blake, i need to go. I'm gonna go to the park read a little bit and know more about the city

- Okay honey, talk to you later. Have fun, i love you

- Thanks, i love you too"

I hang up my phone and changed my clothes. It was a little bit cold outside so i need to be comfy.

—— ☕️ ——

Oh hi, sweeties!

I would love to know how you guys like the chapters (big ones, small ones, etc). I hope you all are doing great!

all the love always 💌

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