i smell snow

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three months later

I'm in the kitchen of the cabin making my classic cookies (or as some call them, calorie bombs). Winter has arrived and with it the snow. One thing you should know about me: I love the snow. We both have a special relationship.

Meredith, my feline daughter, wraps her long, furry tail around my legs.

- Good morning, mommy's baby. - I pick up the kitten and shower her with kisses. She lets out a loud meow. - There, I put you down.

I grab the bowl with the cookie dough and put it in the oven. Now I just have to wait for it to beep.

While I wait, I think about how good my life has been here. I've run into a few paparazzi and a few fans, but nothing too big. It's a really small town. I've never had much of a problem with my fame. Sometimes it's crazy and uncomfortable to see all this stalking from some stalkers and paparazzi, but then I look around and see my fans who are so loyal and love me as much as I love them. Everything in life has its ups and downs, but sometimes I get tired of it all, but I never get tired of it, because this has been my dream for so many years.

So it's really good to take a break from all this chaos for a bit. And it's been great. Olivia and I meet up sometimes to talk and write songs. I see a lot of myself in her, I feel like we're soulmates. Harry, Louis, Brit and Patrick have been great to me, I already love them so much.

And then there's Travis. He has this grumpy way about him, but the truth is that he's the human being with the best heart and soul I've ever seen. Sometimes, when he notices that Violet or I are feeling down, he makes really nice pancakes with lots of whipped cream to please us. He makes brownies and brings them to us, and lots of coffee for me. Every day I want to find out more about him, but it's like every time I get close to him he finds a way to push me away.

My thoughts are interrupted by my cell phone ringing. My mother.

"- Mommy! I miss you so much!

- Tay, my love. It's so good to hear your voice. How are you doing there? How is my dear granddaughter?

- Everything is perfect, mommy, I never thought it would be so good here.

- Oh, my love, you have no idea how much this warms my heart. I only called to hear from you, now I have to go to work. I love you, my love, I miss you so much.

- I love you, mommy, my heart is pounding with longing. Good job.

- Thank you, my love"

So she hangs up and my eyes get wet, I miss her so much.

- Mommy crying?- A mess of unruly curls and a swollen face appears in the kitchen. Vio sits on my lap and wraps his little arms around my neck.

- Mama is just homesick, honey. But with you here, everything is better. - I give her a little kiss on her blond hair. She eats while sniffling.

- Smell of cookies, Mama. - Her eyes shine.

- Hmm, Mama is making our cookies, honey. Let's see if they're ready? - She nods.

I go to the oven and take the cookies out. I spread the syrup on top of each one.

- You can eat one now and one later, okay? Otherwise, the baby will get a tummy ache. - I grab a napkin and put a cookie on top for my daughter.

- Thank you so much, Mama. - She smiles and sits down to eat her cookie.

- Honey, you get ready later and we'll stop by Uncle Travis's to bring him and Liv some cookies, okay? Call me if you need help.

- Mama, can you put pigtails on me?

- Sure, princess. When you get dressed, call me and I'll do your hair.

- Ok - she takes the last bites of the cookie and runs to put on her clothes.

Lately I've been giving her this independence, so she can start learning how to do her own things, but she knows that whenever she needs me I'll be here.

Since I'm already ready I decided to put the cookies in a jar for Travis and Olivia. I think about how Kelce will complain about how unhealthy it is. Well, maybe that's why he's so grumpy. I laugh at my thoughts.

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hiiiii!!!! idk abt u guys but i prefer small chapters, so here it is.

thank you so much for the a thousand readerssssssss 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

loads of love for all of u 💟💟💟

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