This is a jumbo-coffee afternoon

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- Mommy, let's go to the garden and see the flowers!! - my daughter pulls me excitedly by the hand.

We had arrived at the inn and changed our clothes. She put on a purple dress with a round neck and white sandals. Her short, fine hair was tied in a braid. I was wearing a pleated skirt, a navy blue sweater and high boots. My hair was done and loose today.

- Of course, my love, let's go.

The inn had a very large space, with the main building and the 4 chalets. A garden full of flowers and lovely benches with a fountain, a stable where you could ride the horse around with an instructor and they provided several bicycles. There was also a gym, a leisure room, a meeting room and a dining room. At the same time that it was a very tasteful place, it was a very cozy place. The owner, Harry, was a sweetheart and was always around. He had already won over my little girl.

- Look, if it isn't the newest blondes at the inn? - Harry was in a flowerbed taking care of some plants. - How was school, girl? Was it a lot of work for Louis?

- Nope! I always behave very well, Harreh. - My girl turned up her nose and we laughed.

- Oh, what a shame, I wish you would leave it fuuuuuull of white hairs. - Styles made a funny face that made Violet laugh out loud. - Hey, honey, do you want to know something interesting about this flower?

The little one nods, paying attention to the older one.

- It's a beautiful flower that shows loyalty and purity. Its petals are usually smaller but extremely strong. - Harry, with a pair of scissors, takes a branch of the flower and places it behind my little one's ear. - Her name is Violet. Just like you.

- I loved it, Harry! Thank you so much for telling me. - She gives the green-eyed boy a tight hug.

- Nah, whenever you want I can bring you here and tell you about flowers - He smiles - But now why don't you and your mommy go and see the inn a little bit, huh?

- We're going! Maybe even ride a bike around the city, what do you say little one? - I turn to my daughter

- I want to mommy! - She smiles excitedly and we continue on our way saying goodbye to Harry.


It was already 4 pm when Violet and I arrived at Kelce's by bike. My daughter was dying to eat a pancake and it was the only place we knew.

As I enter the establishment I notice that it is emptier than the other day. We sit at a table near the window and Olivia's (probably) uncle comes to serve us.

- Good afternoon - my daughter smiles kindly

- Hello, dear - He returns a sweet smile. That's new.

- Hello! Could you pleeeeeease bring a huge coffee. This is an afternoon for a jumbo-sized coffee. - I offer her an amused smile and I catch a glimpse of a sideways smile.

- A jumbo coffee, and for the little one?

- Pancakes! With chocolate frosting and lots of whipped cream - She stops and looks at me - Can I, mommy? - And makes her pleading eyes. Well, she is her father's daughter.

- Today, yes, my love. - I smile at her and turn back to the unknown man - Before you write down my bacon and eggs, could you tell me your name? Mine is Taylor and hers is Violet - I smile at the almost stranger.

- I know, my niece has you in a life-size cardboard cutout in her room - He sighs - My name is Travis, I own the diner.

- I met her today, lovely girl.

- Thank you, let me go write down your orders

He's a cool guy, but too closes for new friends. Well, i will have to force my way in



Another day at the diner is over and my back is hurting. I have to train the kids for the tournament on Saturday. I already feel exhausted.

I hear the diner's phone ring, which is strange given the time.

- Hello?- I answer.

- Oh, hi! It's me, Taylor- Her soft and gentle voice says on the other end. Her way of speaking makes me nervous- Olivia gave me this number so I could contact her.

- Oh yes, of course.

- Is she around?

- Yes, wait a minute.

I quickly climb the stairs to the spacious second floor where Olivia and I lived. Our home.

- Liv, there's someone on the phone, come quickly, honey- I'm excited that Taylor Swift wants to talk to her. I know Liv, I know what her dream is like and how much she loves this woman. I go back downstairs and pick up the phone.

- Hi Taylor, sorry for the delay, she was upstairs.

- No problem Travis. - I liked the way she pronounced my name. Soft and sweet. - Hey, do you know anything about a tournament on Sunday? I heard Harry talking about it with Miss Patty and I was embarrassed to intrude. - Her voice lowered as if she was embarrassed.

- It's going to be an football tournament for the boys here in town, and I'm their coach. It's a small school but it's cool. Classes and games are on the weekends. - There was silence on both sides of the line. - Do you want to come? It's at 4:30 pm on the school field.

- Can I?

- Sure! If you want.

- I really want to!

I finally see Olivia coming down the stairs.

- Well, Liv is here. Bye Taylor, until your next coffee crisis. - She laughs with her beautiful and angelic laugh. What the hell is this?

- See you tomorrow then, Travis- I could hear her smiling.

I passed the phone to my niece and went upstairs to take a shower without being able to get the blonde out of my head.

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