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ariel's pov

i woke with a start, the early morning light filtering through the cracks in my hut. for a moment, i lay still, the events of the previous day replaying in my mind. i was a runner now—a real runner. the thought sent a thrill through me, a mix of excitement and nerves twisting in my stomach. today would be my first day out in the maze, and i was ready for it.

i quickly dressed in my standard glader clothes, pulling my hair back into a messy ponytail. my neck still ached slightly, a dull reminder of the injury i had gotten a few days earlier, but i pushed the discomfort aside. today wasn't the day to let something like that hold me back.

i made my way out the hut. the glade was already alive with activity, the early risers getting ready for another day. i felt a buzz of anticipation in the air, my own excitement mirroring it.

but as i stepped outside, my heart sank.

there, in the distance, was thomas and minho. they were at the maze entrance, their backs to me as they spoke in low voices. and before i could even process what was happening, they started running—straight into the Maze.

without me.

my heart lurched, my feet frozen to the ground as i watched them disappear into the shadowed corridors of the maze. for a moment, i couldn't move, couldn't think. this was supposed to be my first day as a runner, my first chance to prove myself out there. but they'd gone without me.

"what the—"

i was about to sprint after them when a hand on my shoulder stopped her.

"easy, love," newt's voice said, his tone calm but firm.

i turned to face him, my eyes wide with confusion and frustration. "did i just hallucinate, or did they just leave without me."

"yeah, about that—"

"newt, what the hell? why did they leave without me? im a runner too!"

newt winced, clearly bracing himself for my reaction. "minho's being a bit of a shuck-face."

i crossed my arms, my glare intensifying. "he left me behind on my first day as a runner. that's not being a shuck-face, that's being a complete slinthead!"

newt sighed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "he's just worried about you, ariel. your necks still healing, and minho doesn't want you risking it."

my eyes narrowed. "oh, so he gets to play doctor now? next, he'll be telling me to stay in bed and eat soup all day."

"i wouldn't put it past him," newt said with a smirk. "but seriously, love, he's only trying to protect you. the maze isn't exactly forgiving."

i threw my hands up in frustration. "im not asking for forgiveness! I'm asking to do my job! i finally get to be a runner, and now I'm being treated like im made of glass?"

newt raised an eyebrow, clearly fighting back a smile. "well, you are a bit fragile right now. more like glass with a few cracks."

i rolled my eyes, but i couldn't help the small grin tugging at my lips. "im about as fragile as a griever on a good day."

newt laughed, clapping me on the back. "that's the spirit! but, you know, minus the whole trying-to-kill-us part."

i huffed, crossing my arms again. "it's not fair, newt. im ready. ive been waiting for this."

"i know, i know," newt said, his tone more serious now. "but minho's just looking out for you. he's stubborn as a mule when it comes to things like this. he won't risk you getting hurt again."

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