10. Mixed Up Feelings

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To say that Liming hasn't thought about having his first kiss would be an understatement.

However, he wouldn't call himself a romantic to be dreaming about how it would be and who it would be with—despite all arrows pointed towards it being with North. The moment he first saw North, he knew that he couldn't let anyone else take away his first kiss. It was a fully fledged crush with roots so deep that when he got to know that his twin brother was dating the love of his life, Liming was crushed beyond repair. He wanted to be happy for his brother, but no matter how much he tried, Liming couldn't get over him. North was imprinted on his soul—and even if he managed to force out his love from his heart and soul, it would still remain inside him as a scar.

But right now, seated (or more like laid down) on a hospital bed with the least expected person's body practically sprawled all over him, gripping him, squeezing him, holding him, cherishing him—every rational thought about his want for North to be his first kiss was starting to fade away. For a first kiss, this was beyond anything he thought of. In his imagination, a first kiss would be soft like a whisper, and he would be engulfed in fairy lights, and they would both smile at each other and Liming would lean his head on North's shoulder after that mini-second kiss. But with Heart, it was definitely not a soft whisper of a kiss. Heart's lips were brushing harshly against his, tongue pressing against his lips, asking for permission to tour the inside workings of his mouth—something Liming was ready to grant without hesitation. As his fingers danced over Heart's cheeks, feeling the rush of heat on both their skins, he opened his lips, wanting—yearning Heart to invade his mouth and leave him breathless.

And Heart did exactly that.

Heart felt experienced, as his hand pressed against Liming's waist, pulling—raising him onto his lap and suddenly they've changed positions. Liming breathed into Heart's mouth, nibbling on his soft, full lips, tasting him—eating him. Heart's strong arms were wrapped around Liming's waist as he tilted his head to kiss him even deeper, making all rational thoughts in his mind to scram. Liming was kneeling on the bed, climbing on Heart's lap as his arms wrapped tightly around Heart's neck, taking in everything Heart was giving him.

A soft embarrassing whine left Liming's lips and he wanted to hide himself away from the rest of the world but Heart took it into his system as if he was a dehydrated man finally getting a bottle of water. Liming's fingers curled around Heart's neck—feeling the way he was responding to Heart's touches. Liming didn't know he had this side of him—this needy, desperate side that responded to someone's embrace like this.

Heart had unlocked something in him and now, he was laid bare with all his feelings reaching the breaking point.

And that's when he gripped Heart's hair and pulled back—letting a string of saliva to dance between their lips. Heart was panting; dark eyes blown wide, lips pink, wet and bruised as if he had run a marathon and Liming was sure he looked exactly the same. The tips of his ears were heating up earlier and he could picture himself looking like a squished tomato. But the way Heart was looking down at him, ready to pounce on him if the situation allowed—that was what was drove Liming crazy.

Before Heart could lean down in with a soft "Mmhm" to continue what they started, Liming placed his hands on the other's chest and gently pushed him back.

"Wait" he whispered; to no one in general.

Everything was messed up. This isn't how he expected things to go. Of course, he couldn't lie about the fact that in a corner of his mind, kissing Heart had been an option, but this... he wasn't ready yet.

"We can't" Liming said, trying not to look up at Heart, because if he did, he would definitely throw caution to the wind and kiss him again.

Liming climbed off him, face burning with shame as Heart stood up from the bed, turning away to run one hand around his neck, and that was when Liming noticed the scratch marks on his neck—that was his work of art. An unexpected groan left Liming's lips, earning Heart's attention once again.

Every Single Thing I Touch || HeartLiming "Moonlight Chicken"Where stories live. Discover now