28. You Are The Reason

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"If I didn't love you, I wouldn't try to win you back, If you keep pouting, I'd have a heart attack. Alright alright alright. Can't you see? If you're still sulking, I won't give up, I'll keep trying to make up cuz you're my only love."

—Fourth Nattawat, "Alright"

The morning light filtered gently through the blinds, painting soft streaks of gold across the room, but it did little to brighten the heavy fog of exhaustion clinging to Liming. He groaned; eyes half-closed as he sunk deeper into the unfamiliar sheets. His body felt weighted, sluggish, the aftereffects of the "Welcome Back" dinner that had stretched far too late. The laughter, the endless conversations, and the overwhelming emotions had taken their toll, making it hard to keep his eyes open by the time the evening came to a close.

He almost said yes when Lung offered him to stay over, the temptation of a bed nearby and immediate rest too alluring. But Heart had stepped in with that soft, knowing smile, reminding Liming that they had already planned to stay at his place. Heart's parents were away in America, and the thought of the two of them alone, without the world to intrude, had been enough to convince Liming to summon the last bit of his energy. Still, Heart practically had to drag him inside by the time they got to the apartment. Liming barely managed to keep his eyes open long enough for Heart to guide him through a quick shower before collapsing into bed, muscles heavy with fatigue.

Sleep should have come instantly. It almost did.

But Liming had woken up in the middle of the night, eyes fluttering open to find Heart beside him, peaceful and still. Something stirred within him—perhaps a craving for more than just sleep, something deeper, something intimate, that couldn't be silenced by exhaustion. And before they both knew it, the quiet of the night had given way to hushed whispers, heated kisses, and tangled limbs, as they christened Heart's bedroom with an unspoken promise that hung in the air between them, one that was both physical and emotional.

Now, cradled on his arm, Heart lay beside him, still fast asleep. Liming turned carefully, not wanting to disturb him but needing to see him, to drink in the sight of his fiancé's peaceful face. The early light softened the sharp angles of Heart's features, making him look younger, almost boyish. His dark hair was tousled, falling messily over his forehead, and his lips were slightly parted in sleep, the same lips that had murmured words of affection to Liming hours ago.

Liming's heart swelled as he gazed at him, the quiet intimacy of the moment wrapping around them like a blanket. In sleep, Heart looked so vulnerable, so far from the sharp, sometimes biting person he could be when awake. Here, it was just them. No past mistakes, no harsh words, no ghosts from eight years ago. Just Heart, his heartbeat steady under Liming's hand, his warmth seeping into Liming's skin.

Liming smiled softly to himself, brushing a stray lock of hair from Heart's forehead, careful not to wake him. This was the man he had left all those years ago, the one he had hurt, the one he thought he had lost forever—the one person who couldn't and wouldn't promise a happily ever after but managed to give him just that.

This was the man who his own beating organ belonged to. His Heart.

"Are you planning to murder me in sleep or something?" Heart asked, slowly open his eyes to gaze at Liming who's lips curled up immediately.

"And waste a good opportunity for dramatic flair?" Liming chuckled softly, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on Heart's arm, "Please. If I was going to murder you, you'd at least get a monologue first."

Heart smirked, his eyes narrowing playfully as he shifted to face Liming. "I'd like to think I'd deserve an entire Shakespearean act."

"You?" Liming's voice was teasing, but there was a softness in his gaze, "More like a soap opera. Something full of over-the-top emotions, you know, to match your intense personality."

Every Single Thing I Touch || HeartLiming "Moonlight Chicken"Where stories live. Discover now