13. Love

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"He used to call me DN, that stood for Deadly Nightshade. Cause I was filled with poison, but blessed with beauty and rage"

—Lana Del Rey, "Ultraviolence"

A few minutes after Liming came to the convenience store, standing outside, contemplating on going in and facing his worst fears, he spotted from the corner of his eye that Heart was behind him. He wasn't a coward. He could face Taro and even punch him if push came to shove, but seeing that Heart was right behind him, ready to be there to catch him if he fell, Liming exhaled comfortingly. He turned to look behind him with a teasing smile and Heart looked away, as if he wasn't really following him at all.

With a giggle, Liming pushed open the door, his steps halting right away at the sight of Taro at the register with a big smile on his face. And just like Liming's did, Taro's smile dropped right away too. Liming's fingers curled up in a fist as he stood there, staring at the man who tried to rape him. Curses started building up the moment he saw him, and then Taro started walking towards him. Liming's hand flew up to the door handle as Taro's gaze followed his actions, and he stopped walking altogether.

"I just want to do my job" Liming said, with gritted teeth, "Nothing else"

Taro nodded, a little hesitant before looking down at his feet, "I'm sorry"

Liming balked, leaning in closer, "Wait, did I hear you—"

"I'm sorry" Taro said, a little louder, "I'm sorry for forcing my love on—"

"Your love?!" Liming yelled, as he willed himself to control his voice, "You tried to... to rape me"

"I didn't, Ming, I swear—"

"Don't call me by that name" Liming snapped, inching closer towards the door, "I'm the fucking victim here so don't fucking try to pull out the 'love' card. If you truly loved me, you would ask for fucking permission"

"Hey, hey look at me. You're fucking beautiful, do you understand me? I wouldn't do anything that you don't want and for every touch, every kiss, I'll take your permission"

"I-If you loved me, you would do something that I wanted a-and there would be communication about it too" Liming continued, trying to push down his memories of Heart, so that he wouldn't be so distracted.

"What do you want to do? I'm down for anything"

"Ming—" Taro started, snapping Liming back to the present.

"Don't fucking call me that!" Liming yelled, "You have no permission to call me that. That name... that—that name is by people who actually... love me..."

"Fuck, Ming. Do you ever stop talking?"

"What are you doing? Ming?"

"I want to worship every part of you, Ming"

Fuck, I think I... Oh, shit. Focus, Liming.

Liming looked at Taro, as tears started edging his eyes. He breathed shallowly, pulling the straps of his bag, "Be grateful that I didn't report you to the authorities or even to your dad"

"Ming?" Came a voice from behind Liming, as he turned around and faced Heart.

Heart's eyes that were earnest and soft turned hard the moment he spotted Taro. He stepped in front of Liming, pushing the other behind him roughly.

"Who are you?" Taro asked, eyes widening, "Oh... you're that friend who was bullying him earlier"

"Step away from him" Heart replied, voice tight and protective.

Every Single Thing I Touch || HeartLiming "Moonlight Chicken"Where stories live. Discover now