Phase 3: Heart ache

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It was Thursday evening. A week had passed without a visit from Alvin. Just calls and texts. He was never home when I visited. My brother felt very far away, out of reach for the very first time.

Seth, Pedro and Harper sat in my study assisting and putting me through school work. And of course, having a little chit chat.

"Gosh, Pedro your heart still aches. I don't want you hurting Mia's feelings." I reached out for the text book he passed to me.

"I like Mia. She's like the perfect woman." He replied ignoring the dramatic screams from Harper and Seth. "It's hard to forget your first love. Especially when she didn't do anything. It was just a huge squabble."

"This is not cool. Mia has loved you since you guys met at Erika's twelfth birthday party." Harper mimicked Maddie's tone.

"It's barely two months after your first ever break up. It's not a crime to take it slowly. " Seth patted his back before a pinch that caused him to shriek.

"Besides, Melodie has always been head over heels for you since diapers. She hasn't even gotten over you. She keeps posting and engaging in heart break threads." I had to bring it to his notice if he hadn't noticed yet.

"The history of Christopher...." Harper had picked another text book for explanation.

I really loved studying with them. Alvin made it funny all the time.

"I hate the fact that Fiona feels like the queen of Daysman. She was always nice and adorable. How could she suggest switching places with melody to the students council? Because she is dating Alvin, the council couldn't resist especially when lodi and Pedro aren't together anymore... Her ego is getting to her head. " Seth tore out an extra sheet for me.

" And Alvin is so scared of loosing her. He just does like a tamed dog. " Pedro scoffed.

Alvin had gone through two breakups before her. His first love cheated with a senior. His second love, Jenn, she was a sophomore student. Alvin and Jenny dated for eight -twelve months. Then this year's eve, she broke up with him.

She said lots of stuffs that tore Alvin apart. I can remember very clearly. We came to pick her up for prom. Alvin was shocked when she said she had had enough of them. He was confused. They had no argument or misunderstanding. They were planning to even get married.

She said Alvin was a distraction to her studies and her faith. She said Alvin was cheating. She said she couldn't date a brat. She only hung out with us for fun. She only dated him because it felt good to be envied by all other girls. She only dated him because of peer pressure and that he was boring her out. She said she hated pretending she loved him. She only wanted to feel like a queen at school. She only wanted the merit of dating someone on our school's Hot list.

Alvin had done lots of preps for that night. I could feel his hurt as we walked back to the car.  He couldn't drive. Mia had to drive, while he cried in my arms.

He placed his head on my chest as I stroked him calmly. He shed his heart out.

It was awful.

We also had a dance presentation at time square before the event kicked off. I had to calm him down and get him back together before stepping out of the car.

He didn't want to loose fi. They were cute together. But, he can't and shouldn't kill himself doing so.

My phone buzzed on the table catching everyone's attention. "Speak of the devil." I scoffed. For the first time, she dialed my number.

"Loud speaker." Harper whispered as he answered the phone. He placed it at the center of the table.

"Hi!" Fiona's voice said from the other end.

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