Dreams of Neverland

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The afternoon sun filtered through the leaves of the large oak tree, casting dappled shadows on the ground where the five boys sat in a loose circle. They had finished band practice earlier and were now relaxing, enjoying each other's company in the comfortable silence that only close friends can share.

“So, have you guys ever had a dream that made absolutely no sense?” Beomgyu asked, breaking the silence with a curious expression on his face.

Soobin chuckled, leaning back on his hands. “Oh, definitely. Just last week, I dreamed I was running a marathon with a bunch of cats. They were all wearing little sneakers.”

Heuningkai burst into laughter. “Did you win?”

“Not even close,” Soobin replied, shaking his head. “One of the cats tripped me, and I fell into a giant bowl of ramen. The weirdest part? I could actually taste the ramen.”

“I once dreamed that I was eating a pizza, but instead of cheese and toppings, it was covered with ice cream and pickles. It was the grossest thing ever, but in the dream, I couldn’t stop eating it.” Taehyun said as he make a disgusted face.

Yeonjun raised an eyebrow, smirking. “That sounds disgusting. But speaking of weird food, have any of you actually tried something like that in real life?”

“I did once,” Heuningkai admitted, a little sheepishly. “I was bored, so I made a sandwich with peanut butter, bananas, and hot sauce. It was... interesting.”

The boys all looked at Heuningkai in disbelief, and then they burst out laughing, the absurdity of the conversation washing away any lingering tension from their day.

“You’re brave, Kai,” Beomgyu said, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. “I don’t think I could handle that combination.”

As their laughter faded, the group settled into a comfortable silence again, content just to be together. After a few moments, Yeonjun leaned back against the trunk of the oak tree, a thoughtful expression on his face.
“You know,” he began, his tone a bit more serious, “I’ve been thinking a lot about something lately.”

The other boys turned their attention to him, curious. Yeonjun wasn’t one to share his thoughts often, so when he did, they listened.

“What’s on your mind, hyung?” Soobin asked gently.

Yeonjun hesitated for a moment, then continued. “Have you guys ever heard of Neverland?”

“Like Peter Pan?” Beomgyu asked, raising an eyebrow.

Yeonjun shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. “Not exactly. The Neverland I’m talking about isn’t the one from the Peter Pan story. It’s a different place, a place where everyone can be happy. No one knows what it means to be sad. You can do whatever you want there, and no one will ever tell you that you can’t.”

The group fell silent as they considered Yeonjun’s words, their imaginations sparked by the idea of such a place. It was Taehyun who spoke up first, his voice filled with a mixture of wonder and excitement.

“If I could go there,” he mused, “I’d probably be a magician. But not just any magician—a magician that no one can defeat.”

Heuningkai’s eyes lit up. “I would want to be a superstar! I’d have so many fans, and I’d sing songs for them every day. Imagine that, being able to make people happy with my music!”

Soobin smiled softly, his mind already painting a picture of his dream. “Lately, I’ve been really interested in cafés , you know? I love the cozy vibe they have. If I could run a café in Neverland, I’d make it as natural as possible, with trees, flowers, and maybe even a waterfall. It would be a place where people could relax and feel at peace.”

Beomgyu grinned, nudging Soobin playfully. “Then I’d definitely visit your café often. We’d probably all hang out there, just like we do now.”

As the boys continued to share their dreams, imagining the lives they could lead in this fantastical Neverland, Yeonjun found himself growing quiet. He watched his friends, his heart swelling with affection and a bittersweet sense of longing.

For a while, he simply listened, content to be surrounded by the people who had become his family. But as the conversation started to wind down, Kai noticed Yeonjun’s silence and turned to him.

“What about you, hyung?” Kai asked, his voice gentle. “If you could go to Neverland, what would you be?”

The others fell silent, waiting for Yeonjun’s answer. He hesitated, then smiled softly, his gaze drifting to the horizon where the sun was beginning to set.

“I don’t know…” he said quietly. “I just want to be with you guys. It doesn’t matter what I’m going to be, as long as we’re together.”

The words hung in the air, filled with a sincerity that touched each of the boys deeply. For a moment, no one spoke, the weight of Yeonjun’s statement settling over them like a warm blanket.

Soobin reached out and patted Yeonjun on the shoulder, his own voice filled with emotion. “You know, hyung, that’s exactly what makes you special.”

Heuningkai nodded in agreement. “Yeah, we’re a team, after all. No matter what happens, we’ll always have each other.”

Taehyun grinned, his earlier excitement replaced by a quieter, deeper understanding. “And who knows? Maybe in our own way, we’ve already found our Neverland.”

Beomgyu leaned back against the tree, letting out a contented sigh. “Yeah, maybe we have.”

The conversation drifted back to lighter topics after that, but the warmth of the moment lingered, wrapping around them like a comforting embrace. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the park in a soft, golden glow, the boys felt a sense of peace they rarely experienced elsewhere.

In that moment, under the oak tree with the friends who had become his family, Yeonjun knew that as long as they were together, they could face anything. And maybe, just maybe, they had already found their Neverland—a place where they could be themselves, free from the worries and pain of the world outside.


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