Chapter 3

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Kim's POV

"So are you going to tell me what that was about?" Sara asked.

"Um.. I.." I struggled to come up with an excuse. There's no way I would tell her about my dad.

"I-I was looking through my stuff, and I found an album that has my mother's picture" I whispered. I felt really bad lying to her, since we never had secrets.

"Oh! Im so sorry! Here, you can stay the night. I'll go get you some pajamas" she said, looking worried.

I nodded, and started stripping. Sara has already seen me in my undergarments. She gave me a tank top and shorts. I quietly put on the clothes, and tied my hair in a bun.

Sara did the same, and got in her bed. I walked over to the bed in the corner of her room. Yes, I have a bed in her room. Her parents got it for me last year, since I stay over a lot.

I winced as I tried sleeping on my side. That was where my 'dad' kicked me. I moved over to lay on my back.

All I dreamt about that night was mom, and how I might've caused her death.

I kept picturing her driving in the rain, going to get me a toy because I lost mine. That basically means that I'm the one who caused her death.

I was tied up to a chair, with a screen in front of me, showing me pictures of my mom. It started by showing memories of us together, but then it showed her body after the accident. I felt so sick. She had a lot of broken limbs, blood everywhere, and she was as pale as snow.

I tried looking away from the screen, but someone held my head in place. "You have to watch what you caused" he hissed.

The pictures kept going on, until the screen was turned off. The person who was holding my head came into view. My dad.

"Since you ruined my life, I need to ruin yours" he smirked, holding up a gun.

"NO! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! PLEASE! I WILL DO ANYTHING" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

"No one's going to kill you Kim! Wake up!" I heard someone say.

I jolted up, sweating, tears streaming down my face. I looked around me and sighed in relief. I was in Sara's room, she was standing next to me, looking worried, and her parents were by the door as well, looking really worried.

I just hugged Sara, sobbing onto her shoulder. She hugged me back, comforting me.

A couple minutes later I finally calmed down.

"You girls don't have to go to school" Mrs. Miller said. "How about you take the day off. Kim, I'll call your dad."

My eyes immediately widened. "Un no that's not necessary!" I said way too fast. Everyone was looking at me. "What I mean is, I can to to school, I'm fine. It was just a nightmare."

Mrs. Miller looked at me before looking back at Sara. "Oh ok. It was just a suggestion. Since you don't have clothes, Sara can lend you some."

I got up to get ready for school. The good thing is that me and Sara are the same size. The bad thing is that her clothes are too short.

I groaned. "Sara, don't you have anything less revealing?"

She just rolled her eyes. "Come on! It's not like your body is awful or anything! And the shorts will show your long legs."

"No, I'm not wearing shorts. I'd rather wear my clothes from yesterday."

She scrunched up her nose at that. "Ew no! Fine I'll look for some jeans."

She came back with skinny jeans, a tank top, and a cardigan. I nodded my head in approval. "Much better."

I quickly got changed, and asked her to drop me of at my house to get my school bag.

I quietly opened the door, relief washing over me when I found my dad passed out where I left him.

After I got my school bag, I grabbed an apple and headed for the door.


The day slowly passed, and last period finally ended. Since Sara has cheerleading practice, she can't drop me off. Which means I have to walk home.

I plugged in my headphones and listened to music while walking on the side walk, blocking out the world.

I jumped when my headphones were removed, about to slap whoever did that.

"Whoa! Calm down, it's me!" I looked behind me to find Zach standing there, holding me earphones.

"Oh hey. Never do that again" I said, smiling.

"Ok, but I was about to ask you if you wanted me to give you a ride" he said, motioning to his motorcycle.

My smile widened as I nodded my head repeatedly. "Yes, please. But I'm hungry so I wanna stop at a diner."

"Yea sure" he said, starting the motorcycle.

Once he dropped me off, he waved to me, and waited till I was inside before driving off.

I can honestly admit that I still am not over Zach Callaway.


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-xoxo Mozan

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