Chapter 15

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Kim's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache, and an uneasy stomach. I could literally not remember anything that happened yesterday. I squinted my eyes as I tried to adjust to the light. The room had grey walls and black furniture. Zach's Room.

Speaking of Zach, I just noticed the arm he had wrapped around my waist. I looked over to him, and saw that he was sleeping. God, he's gorgeous. His hair was a bit messy, his lips were slightly parted, and he had a face that looks like it was sculpted by God himself. If I look closely enough, I could see tiny freckles on his nose.

I would've stayed and stared at him forever, but then I felt bile coming up my throat. Not wasting a second, I quickly unwrapped his arm from around me, scrambled of the bed, and ran to the bathroom at lightning speed.

I hurriedly lifted the toilet seat, throwing up. Thank god i didn't get an of it anywhere, since I wouldn't like to ruin his floor. I felt a hand rubbing my back, and another one holding my hair out of my face. I glanced up to see Zach looking at me with a worried expression. I was about to smile to show him I'm okay, but then I felt more bile rise, and threw up again. This was so embarrassing. 

When it was finally over, I slumped against the wall, breathing slowly.  "How much did I drink?" I asked, looking up at Zach. "I wouldn't really know. When I found you at the party, you were already wasted."

I groaned, feeling the pounding headache. "I'm never drinking again."

"I actually like drunk you. She told me a lot of interesting things," he smirked. My eyes widened at what he just said. Oh god, what did I do?

"What did I tell you?" I asked him. "Interesting things," he replied. "I'll tell you later. Right now, you need to go rest and take some Advil for your headache."

But before I could get up, I felt arms being wrapped behind my back and under my knees. I squealed as I was lifted of the floor, causing Zach to laugh.

"Zach, what are you doing? You do know I'm capable of walking right?" I asked. I wrapped my arms around his neck so I wouldn't end up falling.

"I know that, but why walk when I could carry you?" he smiled cheekily. I smiled back, and rested my head on his shoulder. He got to his bedroom, and gently placed me on the bed. "Stay here, I'll go get you some Advil and breakfast."

He left the room, and I was left on his bed. I looked around, admiring the room. I noticed a framed picture on his desk with unfamiliar people. Slowly getting up, I walked towards the frame. It had two people, who looked like a couple, and a tiny boy. All of them were smiling in the picture, and anyone could tell that they were genuinely happy. The little boy was on the older man's shoulders, while the woman was looking up at the boy while laughing.

"They're my parents," I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Zach placing a tray that had food, a glass of water and Advil on the table. I nodded, feeling his discomfort. I didn't want to force him into saying anything. I just walked over to the table and ate the cereal he made for me.

We sat in a comfortable silence. I could feel his eyes on me for the entire time. I bet he thinks I look like crap. I haven't showered since yesterday and let's just say my hair could be compared to a bird's nest.

"So," I cleared my throat, deciding to break the silence. "What exactly did I tell you while I was drunk?"

Zach smiled to himself, as if he was recalling everything that happened. "Well, are you sure you want to know?" he asked. I eagerly nodded. "Umm, where do I start? Ok so first of all, you were screaming the words to centuries in my car, which sounded terrible, and then you begged me to take you and get ice cream, and then we came back here. Oh and one more thing, you decided to name each of my bags with very creative names," he laughed.

Oh god, why did I get drunk. I groaned and covered my face with my hands, too embarrassed to show Zach my face. Zach was still laughing, but this time his voice was much louder. Next thing I know, I felt someone prying my hands off my face.

"Oh come on, Kim. You don't have to be embarrassed. If anything, it was super cute," he said, which just caused me to blush more, as if I needed that.

After five more minutes, I got the courage to remove my hands from my face and look at Zach, who was sitting across from me, smiling at me.

"One more thing Kim. While you were drunk, you said something about a monster being in your house. You also said that he was going to hurt you if you go there. What did you mean?" He questioned, looking very curious yet concerned.

My head snapped towards him in disbelief. Why the hell did I say that? What is wrong with me? Oh God no. I can't do this. He can't find out. Oh my god what am I gonna do.

While  I was thinking about all of that, I didn't realize that my breathing got heavier and my chest started to hurt and my body started to shake.

He's gonna find out. They're gonna take my dad away. I'll have no family left. It's all because of me. I killed my own mother. I'm the reason my dad's a drunk bastard. I caused all of these problems.

Everything was getting too much and soon enough I had a full on panic attack. All I wanted to do was shrink against a wall. I could see Zach's mouth moving as he spoke, but I couldn't focus.

"Kim, can you hear me? I want you to stay focused. Come on, breathe with me slowly. In, out. In out. You're doing great, keep going," he gently spoke. I kept on breathing with Zach until I felt myself get back to normal again. As soon as I started breathing normally, I tackled Zach with a hug.

"Thank you," I whispered. "That really helped. Where did you learn how to do that?" I asked.

"Well, my mom is a therapist, so I might've picked up a thing or two," he explained.

After that little incident, I finished up my breakfast. Zach decided that we should bake something together since we had nothing else to do, so we both headed to the kitchen and got started.

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