Chapter 12

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Zach's POV

All I did today was look at Kim, making sure she's okay, and that no one tried to hurt her. She was currently eating lunch with her friend Sam, and this guy from the football team walked up to her. This was probably the eleventh guy who went up to Kim and asked her out. And to be honest, I hate it. I hate how close the guys stand to her and how nice they act towards her, because I know they're just going to use her and then break her heart.

Isn't that what you do? 

I mentally shook my head to get rid of my subconscious. But those guys never even noticed her. All she had to do was wear shorts and show more skin and then she got all of this attention, that's how perfect she is. She has me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it.

I wish I had the guts to ask her out before someone else can take her. She's too innocent to be played by a random guy. But I know I'm going to end up hurting her in some way, because that's what I do. I play girls then throw them away. I know for a fact that I would try much harder to make it work if it was Kim, but I would still find a way to mess up.


Kim's POV

Lunch has just finished, and I was heading to the bathroom. I had History next, which I thankfully take with Zach. But he doesn't even sit next to me, since his friend Alex is in this class as well.

Once I finished my business, I walked out of the stall to wash my hands. Ashley, the queen bee of the school was standing in front of the mirrors, applying her sixth layer of lip stick. Geez, do you need that much lipstick?

I was about to open the faucet, when I felt a hand on my shoulder quickly turning me around. Ashley was standing there glaring at me, looking at me from head to do in disgust.

"So you're the new slut of the school?" She asked, sneering. Slut? What the hell did I do?

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"Don't act all innocent and confused now.  I know people like you, people who act nice to get popularity. Oh and did I forget to mention that you're a slut? Did you seriously think that wearing the disgusting outfit, which looks hideous by the way, would make you get guys' attention? It's not like you're pretty or anything. I mean, look at you, you look pathetic. Oh and you trying to get Zach's attention is even worse. He probably feels sorry for you," she said in her high pitched voice, while circling around me.

Honestly, her words hurt. A lot. I didn't even know what I did to her. Heck, we never even talked before! My eyes were stinging with tears.

"Now get back to class, before the teacher notices that her best student is missing," she said, pushing me roughly towards the door. I stumbled a bit before falling on my arm. Ouch, that hurt. Tears were streaming down my face by now, and my arm was red from the impact with the floor. I felt it for any injuries, but there weren't any. I wiped the tears on my face, but they still kept coming. 

I fled the bathroom and went to my locker to get my books. I looked at my phone to check the time. Shit! I'm twenty minutes late to class! Luckily, Mr. Smith, my history teacher, was a really nice man, so I hope he doesn't punish mel

I put my phone in my pocket and rushed to class, clutching my books and binder to my chest. The tears were still streaming down my face. Well, it's not like I could stop them. Right before entering the classroom, I wiped my tears again before opening the door. All of the heads turned towards me. I looked around and caught Zach looking at me with a worried expression.

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