Close Call....

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The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Alyssa stirred first, slowly coming to consciousness as the events of the previous night played through her mind. She was still nestled against Tyler, his arm draped over her waist, holding her close. A smile crept onto her lips as she remembered their playful banter and the intensity of their time together.

She turned slightly to face Tyler, who was still fast asleep, his features relaxed and peaceful. For a moment, Alyssa simply watched him, feeling a surge of affection that made her heart flutter. As much as she loved their playful teasing, there was something special about seeing him like this, completely at ease.

Unable to resist, Alyssa leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Tyler's cheek. He stirred, his grip on her tightening slightly as he began to wake up. His eyes fluttered open, and he smiled sleepily when he saw her.

"Morning," he murmured, his voice husky with sleep.

"Morning," Alyssa replied, her smile widening. "You sleep well?"

Tyler stretched lazily, his hand trailing down her side. "Definitely. Best night's sleep I've had in a while."

Alyssa chuckled, feeling a little giddy. "Glad to hear it."

Tyler's gaze turned playful as he tightened his hold on her. "You know, I could get used to waking up like this. You in my arms, no one else around..."

Alyssa smirked, her voice teasing. "Oh, so you're saying I'm good for your sleep?"

Tyler leaned in, brushing his lips against hers in a light, teasing kiss. "And a few other things too."

Alyssa laughed softly, but before she could respond, there was a sudden knock on the door. They both froze, their eyes widening as they quickly realized they hadn't planned for this.

"Tyler, are you up?" came a small voice from the other side of the door. It was his younger sister, Lily.

Alyssa's eyes widened in panic as she whispered, "What do we do?"

Tyler quickly pressed a finger to her lips, signaling her to stay quiet. "Yeah, I'm up," he called back, trying to keep his voice as casual as possible. "Just give me a minute."

"Okay, but Mom said breakfast is ready!" Lily chirped before her footsteps retreated down the hallway.

Alyssa let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. "That was close."

Tyler chuckled softly, clearly amused by her reaction. "Relax, she's just a kid. She wouldn't have noticed anything."

Alyssa playfully smacked his chest. "Still! We need to be more careful."

Tyler grinned, rolling out of bed and pulling her up with him. "Alright, alright. Let's get dressed and head down before they get suspicious."

They both quickly got dressed, exchanging knowing glances and stifled giggles as they tried to keep quiet. Once they were ready, Tyler opened the door, peeking out to make sure the coast was clear. With a nod, he gestured for Alyssa to follow him.

As they made their way downstairs, the smell of breakfast filled the air—pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Tyler's mom was bustling around the kitchen, humming softly to herself, while Lily was already seated at the table, eagerly awaiting her food.

"Morning, you two!" Tyler's mom greeted them with a warm smile. "Hope you slept well."

"Morning, Mom," Tyler replied, taking a seat at the table. "Yeah, we slept great."

Alyssa sat beside him, trying to hide her smile as she caught the subtle teasing tone in Tyler's voice. "Good morning, Mrs. Greene. Everything smells amazing."

"Thank you, dear," Mrs. Greene said, placing a plate of pancakes in front of them. "Eat up, you've got a big day ahead."

As they started eating, Lily suddenly piped up, her innocent eyes wide with curiosity. "Alyssa, did you sleep in Tyler's room last night?"

Alyssa nearly choked on her pancake, her eyes darting to Tyler for help. He quickly jumped in, his tone casual but firm. "Lily, don't be nosy. Alyssa is a guest, and she can sleep wherever she's comfortable."

Lily frowned, clearly not understanding the big deal. "I was just asking..."

Tyler's mom shot him a knowing look but didn't say anything, clearly letting it slide. "Lily, don't pester our guest. Finish your breakfast."

The rest of the meal passed without incident, though Alyssa could feel Tyler's leg brushing against hers under the table, a subtle reminder of the connection they shared. It was comforting, but also thrilling, knowing that they had this little secret between them.

After breakfast, as they were helping clear the table, Tyler leaned in close to Alyssa, his voice low so only she could hear. "We should be more careful, but last night was worth the risk."

Alyssa smiled up at him, her heart fluttering again. "Definitely."

Tyler grinned, stealing a quick kiss on her cheek before they returned to helping his mom, both of them feeling like they had gotten away with something fun and a little dangerous.

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