Unspoken Desires

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Chapter 10: Unspoken Desires

The week after Tyler's return was a rollercoaster for everyone, but Tyler seemed to be riding high. He and Jack were back to being the most popular duo at school, and their easy camaraderie made it feel like no time had passed at all. Yet, even as Tyler settled back into his old life, there was something new that had caught his attention—something, or rather someone, he couldn't quite get out of his mind.

That Friday afternoon, after another basketball game, Tyler and Jack were cooling off on the bleachers. The sun was dipping low, casting long shadows over the field, and the laughter of students echoed in the distance.

Tyler dribbled the basketball absentmindedly, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You know, man, I was thinking... I really wish I hadn't missed prom last year."

Jack, caught off guard, glanced over at his friend. "Prom? Didn't think that'd be your thing."

Tyler shrugged, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Yeah, maybe. But, I don't know... it's one of those things you kinda want to experience, you know? Dressing up, going with someone special, making memories."

Jack chuckled. "Yeah, I guess. It was a good night. But you didn't miss much. There'll be other dances."

Tyler was quiet for a moment, then said, almost as if thinking out loud, "You know, if I'd been here, I probably would've asked Sophie out."

Jack did a double-take. "Sophie? Really?"

Tyler nodded, his gaze distant as he thought about her. "Yeah, man. I don't know why I never noticed before, but she's... kinda amazing. She's got this confidence, this energy. And she's really grown into herself, you know? There's something about her that's just... captivating."

Jack looked at Tyler, surprised by the intensity in his voice. "Sophie's great, yeah. But I didn't know you were into her like that."

Tyler leaned back, staring up at the sky with a sigh. "Neither did I, but now that I'm back, I see her differently. She's not just your girlfriend's best friend anymore. She's funny, smart, and... yeah, she's pretty damn cute. I keep thinking about what it would've been like to take her to prom, dance with her, spend the night just... being with her."

Jack couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. Tyler's words weren't just casual compliments; there was something more behind them—something that hinted at deeper feelings. "Have you talked to her about it?"

Tyler shook his head. "Nah, not yet. I mean, I don't even know if she'd be into me like that. But I've been thinking... maybe I should. What's the worst that could happen?"

Jack chuckled nervously. "Well, just... be careful, okay? Sophie's been through a lot, and she's really close with Emma. I don't want things getting weird."

Tyler nodded, still lost in thought. "Yeah, I get that. I don't want to mess things up, either. But at the same time... I can't help how I feel, you know? There's something about her that's different. I'm not sure I can just ignore it."

Meanwhile, at Emma's house, she and Sophie were having their usual Friday night catch-up. They sprawled out on Emma's bed, flipping through magazines and chatting about the week. But Sophie couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted—something she couldn't quite put her finger on.

"Okay, so what's up with you?" Emma finally asked, putting down her magazine. "You've been a little distracted lately."

Sophie hesitated, then laughed it off. "It's nothing, really. Just... thinking about stuff."

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