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As the days wore on, the pressure on Taehyung grew unbearable. The once manageable confusion over Seokjin’s affection had evolved into a tumultuous storm of emotions. Each day, Taehyung found himself grappling with his feelings—caught between the genuine affection he was beginning to develop for Seokjin and his longstanding crush on Jungkook.

Seokjin’s relentless pursuit and heartfelt gestures were beginning to leave an impact. Taehyung had started to see a different side of him—one that was kind, attentive, and genuinely caring. This new perspective made Taehyung question his feelings more deeply. Despite knowing that Seokjin's behavior was a result of the potion, the growing bond they were forming was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore.

Yet, amid this growing emotional complexity, Taehyung’s feelings for Jungkook lingered in the background. Jungkook had always been Taehyung’s ideal, the one who occupied his daydreams and fantasies. But Jungkook’s silence and distance were a painful reminder of how unattainable he seemed. The lack of communication from Jungkook left Taehyung feeling isolated, amplifying his sense of loneliness and uncertainty.

One evening, Taehyung found himself at a crossroads. He was in the library, working on an assignment, when Jimin joined him for a study session. Jimin, ever perceptive, noticed Taehyung’s distracted demeanor and decided to address it.

“Taehyung, you’ve seemed off lately,” Jimin remarked, glancing up from his own notes. “What’s going on?”

Taehyung sighed heavily. “I don’t even know where to start. The more time I spend with Seokjin, the more I find myself conflicted. It’s like the potion is making me question everything.”

Jimin nodded sympathetically. “It must be tough to deal with. But you’ve got to remember that the potion is influencing Seokjin’s feelings. It’s not the real him. And what about Jungkook?”

“That’s the problem,” Taehyung admitted, rubbing his temples. “I still have feelings for Jungkook, but he never talks to me. It’s like he doesn’t even notice me.”

Jimin’s eyes softened with understanding. “Maybe Jungkook is unaware of your feelings, or he’s caught up in his own issues. It’s hard to say without talking to him directly.”

Taehyung nodded, feeling a pang of frustration. “I know. But it’s hard to focus on Jungkook when Seokjin is constantly in my space, showing me this side of him that’s hard to ignore.”

The pressure Taehyung felt was compounded by the constant reminders of his dilemma. Seokjin continued to shower him with affection, often sending messages that tugged at Taehyung’s heartstrings. Meanwhile, Jungkook remained distant, his silence leaving Taehyung feeling increasingly neglected.

One night, Taehyung decided to confront his feelings head-on. He took out his phone and composed a text message to Jungkook, hoping to bridge the gap that had formed between them.

Taehyung: Hey Jungkook,
It's me Taehyung
I was wondering if we
could talk sometime😊

He hesitated before pressing send, his heart racing with anticipation and anxiety. The message was a step towards addressing his feelings, but it also brought a sense of vulnerability he wasn’t entirely comfortable with.

As Taehyung waited for a response, he reflected on his situation. The emotional pressure of navigating his feelings for Seokjin and Jungkook was becoming increasingly overwhelming. He wanted clarity, a resolution to his tangled emotions, but felt stuck in limbo.

The next day, Taehyung received a reply from Jungkook, a simple acknowledgment of his message.

Jungkook: yeah sure. When are you free?

Taehyung’s heart skipped a beat at the response. It was a small step, but it was a step towards addressing the distance between them. He set up a meeting with Jungkook, hoping that their conversation might provide some much-needed clarity.

In the meantime, Taehyung had to navigate the growing pressure of his conflicting emotions. Seokjin’s continued advances made it difficult to ignore the burgeoning feelings he was developing, while Jungkook’s distant presence only highlighted his own uncertainties. The emotional strain was intense, but Taehyung knew he had to confront his feelings head-on to find a resolution.

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