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Bianca woke up the next day with almost no recognition of the last night, and a killer hangover. She also felt like this wasn't her bed, and as her eyes slowly opened, she saw it wasn't her hotel room. She shot up.

She looked all around and saw a half naked man in just his boxers, barely covered with a small sleeping bag, and still fast asleep. From the bed Bianca could see Ollie's chiselled six-pack, and it made him look like a Greek God. Obviously she herself was also fit, as she drove too, but Ollie just seemed perfect.

Like he felt her gaze on him, Ollie started to wake up, with an extremely long yawn and a stretch. He looked up at Bianca, and he panicked, realising the very revealing situation he was in.

"Sorry!" He shouted as he covered himself up. "Um.. how did you sleep?" He questioned.

"Terribly." Bianca was brutally honest. "Why am I in your hotel room? Why are you on the floor? What the fuck happened last night?"

"So... I can explain..." he started. He explained the event of last night in its entirety, however he missed out one tiny detail. What she said just before the went to sleep.

He was worried that if he told her what she said and it wasn't true, it would be awkward. And if it was true? It would be even more awkward. So he kept his mouth shut.

Bianca then just suddenly got up, grabbed her stuff and walked to the door. No words spoken.

"B- bianca where are you going?" Ollie stuttered. It wasn't like her just to get up and leave without saying anything.

"To get a taxi. I am going back to my room. Thanks for bringing me back last night but things are still hugely awkward between us. I don't mean to be rude, but I really have to go and prepare for Australia. If I continue to have these kinds of results, I will not be fighting for the championship, but my seat." She painfully comments.

After Ollies crash in Bahrain, Bianca drove the Mclaren home to a disappointing 7th. Saudi Arabia was even worse, with a measly 9th. Lando, her teammate, was on the podium twice.

It was starting to look like Bianca was only in F1 for her drama with Ollie, and not for her driving. If she keeps underperforming, she worries all the hate comments she got when she signed for Mclaren will return.

So she will win Australia and show them.

Invulnerable - A Bearman and Bustamante StoryWhere stories live. Discover now