Chapter 15

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The building was starting to tilt on the left from the 16th floor, Phil was smiling nervously hands on his hips, he looked at his left.

Phil: Long enough?

He looked at the top of the 40 floor tall building, there was something lying down on the border, Phil put his right hand above his eyes to hide the sun and see clear what was there, it was someone, they had their hands behind their head eyes closed, their left leg extended and their right leg bent midway.

Phil: Euh?!

he down his hands for a bit and raised them at the height of his chest with frustration.

Phil: Who the hell could be chill like that when a 12 meters large crow was shaking it.

Phil down his hands, looked down, echaled, threw his hands above his head, turned on the left and started walking.

Phil: Anyway there will only be a single death from that.

He stopped, looked at his left up at the 16th floor.

Phil: But i am homeless now. . .

On the top of the building falling on the side, they felt their feet getting dragged forward, they opened their tired eyes blinded by the sun light, covered their face with their right hand and wiped their face to try to see what is happening. The building was now inclined 45°, they started sliding always lying down, the stood on the hand always sliding, they reached the border, rotated, held the border with their hand to balance their body into the window of the apartment under, shattering it, landed in the living room, all the furnitures accumulating behind them, they strectched their arm in the air, looked at their right then their left, put their hands in their pocket and started walking toward the door in front of them, opened the door with their right hand like nothing was wrong, walked in the hall straight toward the other apartment, reached the door. The building was now 60° on the left, they put their right hand on the door handle pulled the door, they looked surprised at it and hit their forehead with their left palm smiling nervously.

???: I am fucked, right?

The building was 75° on the side, they looked right and left their long silver hair almost standing straight behind him, they put their right hand in their pocket and took out a electric screwdrive without a tip and 4 little dent instead, they put it on the door handle, it started sparkling in blue lightings to blow up the electric system and the door opened. The building was falling faster now, the main beam holding it bent 90° cessed to slow it down and cessed to stand still, their hair started to join their face, they pulled them back behind with their right hand, and looked at their right to see a plate flying next to them.

???: Am i always half sleeping or we are falling?

They looked in front, a sofa falling on them, they stepped on the right to avoid it, puts their hands in their pocket and walked in, they walked straight to the window, the building is 110° on the left, they reached the balcony door, opened the door with their right hand continued walking and jumped to be on the border, they had the sun in the eyes, covered their eyes with their right hand and smiled.

???: I waited more than i should have.

They down their right hand and started running, the building was 130° 5 floors away from the ground, they looked at their right seeing the ground too close, they jumped feet almost reaching the bottom of their back, tapped on the exterior side of their shoes with their indexs and landed back, the building crashed the concrete broke into shard, the 3 apartments on each floors crushed together as less than one, causing a giant cloud of dust from the concrete and the wood furniture from inside, they were above in the cloud of dust, floating above the ruins around 10 centimeters above the ground,  under their ankles 2 blue rings going down to meet the ground and disappear in a continous loop, same under their feet, they coughed looked at their right, took out their right hand and waved at the height of their head to scatter the smoke.

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