Chapter 20

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Marcov was sitting back looking at the bay window of the restaurant with a smile while holding his tiger head by the sides, the tiger was sitting on a seat too on his left, he heard a gunshot, turned his head at the right looking at the entrance then a bit more right at Phil lying on the ground, his tiger looked left and started growling, Marcov smile faded, he unhand his tiger, leaned on the back of his chair his right leg above the left one, right forearm on tthe table, left arm loose and he looked at the fight happening, his tiger showing his teeth, its tails moving like a serpent, after a bit they saw the light turning red, Marcov couldn't see what was happening there anymore but he saw Phil having the upperhand, he nodded eyes closed.

Marcov: No need to intervene, my friend.

His tiger looked at him and stopped showing teeth. After some times, they heard a lot of shots, Marcov smiled and looked right.

Marcov: looks like it's finished. 

He looked at his tiger, extended his left hand and caressed his head, he turned right, stood up put his hands in his black jean pocket, he took 2 steps, tapped on the ground with his left foot 2 times, the tiger jumped above the table with his back legs and landed next to him, at his landing an heavy metallic sound was heard, he looked left at it and started walking back.

Marcov: Let's see how bad it is now.

In the kitchen they heard slamming, shots, the cooks were terrified and the waiters on their knees hands gathered praying for their life, the alarm was heard, the lights turned red, the chief punched the alarm button with his right hand, on his knees, his accelerated heartbeat made him feel the 30 meters long of the kitchen as a marathon, his upperface darkened by his hat forming shadow on his face, his eyes with dark circles, he was inhaling and exhaling loudly by the mouth, his forehead sweating, 3 drops fell from his chin, he looked up at the button, his left arm loose, left back hand touching the ground.

Chief: It's finished now?

The 3 waiters heard footsteps going out of the restaurant, stood up and turned around, one opened the doors, with both his hands, they looked left at who was leaving with a great smile, their eyes turned at the right, at the ground, the one opening the door ran up to Phil stopped above his body the heart retracting and his eyes going away forcefully, the 2 others joined him, he crouched and looked at his body, he saw the numerous holes all over his body, the 2 others standing the one at his left covered his mouth with his right hand looking with sweat on his forehead at it.

Waiter: Is he alive?

The one crouching shook his head.

???: Did you see him?

He put his right hand on his throat pierced by a hole, Phil's hair hidding his face and his eyes, his head looking down, the waiter felt a hole on his throat, he felt disgusted as it was bloody, his teeth gritting.

???: I don't think so. 

The one at his right looked at Victor going a bit staggering, he turned at Victor and started walking to him, the one at the left turned his head right seeing his friend go, he turned around, extended his right hand at the other one torso to stop him.

Waiters: "What are you doing?"

He looked at him with a confused look.

"I don't know"

Looked forward at the entrance bent his right arm and pointed under the other one arm at Victor going.

"But he just left like that?"

the one holding him back looked at Victor and nodded.

"That's crazy to think this happened here"

the one crouching, put his hand on Phil's throat and pushed a bit of blood flowing, he closed his eyes and focused to feel something, a pulse, anything.

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