Chapter V : An appointment

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Bills .

         It's been a week ever since I was thrown out of my wife's office and thought about the week when I was trying to talk about my mistake out of her when I realized she'd moved out of our house and God knows where she lives now .

I've looked all over her villas and houses at the coast but she was nowhere to be found except the office where I've been told she's been working herself so hard with extra nights to sleep in the office and I know I'm the reason she's hiding behind this tall building .

Once again walking out of my car heading toward the office , the guard came running as soon as he saw me and I know the justification for his job , he would lose his job if I was inside this building . I've been causing a ruckus around here with forcing my way inside only to be fought to leave .

" Mr. Norman ...

I cut him off when he'd started to tell me the same speech line I've been acquainted with , 'Mr. Norman I would lose this job when you call for some trouble , my family depends on this ' .

I understood this man he was doing all he could even fighting against a billionaire just for his family while I discarded mine as soon as I learnt there can be an optional means to settle my wants and needs , this gateman was way better than I was .

" I understand and I won't cause a commotion , I just want to make an appointment . You've got to help me , I am also doing this for my family , I am fighting for my family " I insisted on the last words that seemed to equip his feelings into a cup and fill it with mercy .

Eyeing me with so much suspicion and I know where that comes from but he stepped toward me and spoke very calmly .

" I will give you some advice Mr. Norman , you've fucked up and everyone here knows about that , your respect has been going down only to be buried to pits with the troubles you've stirred this whole week . You're a noble man I believe and we all make mistakes but you need to calm down and think wisely on how to approach this matter , so if you're coming to make an appointment with her is a step for you , I agree it's good but you need to earn that respect around here and I don't know how you'll do that but please make an appointment and leave out quitely "

I felt tears in my eyes for atleast someone sees me in my misery and respect me still , not even my friends have been telling me something good as this old man and for that I am going to honour my promises .

" Understood ? "

I nodded as he moved aside paving a way for me and I walked inside collecting the same disgusting nasty eyes from the employees of my wife , well I was their boss too at some point but that isn't going to work with my situation here .

Heading to Gracie's office , she'd fake smiled at me at first but now she couldn't hide the scorn in her face .

" Mr. Norman ....

" Am here for an appointment with my wife " I'd cut her shortly after my name that every seems very acquainted with since the mistakes while I was sir before .

" She's having a lost list of people , are you sure that you want to make one " ,I know that face that shouts to me leave while you can  but am not going down without a fight .

" Sure , I'll wait for my time " .

She pulled the phone on her table and I am pretty sure to affirm the decision of her boss .

" Yes ma'am " she ended the call and smiled at me still not genuinely then went to her computer and worked the appointment out .

" Done "

" When will it be then " I asked having some hope for this week .

" She asked me to call you a week from the appointment Mr. Norman " I sighed before nodding not missing that sly smile she wore but I ignored her and kept the wise man promise.

I saw the relief to the face of the guard seeing me walking out , alone without some guards holding me here and there .

" How did it go ? " He asked me and I gave away that hopefully smile .

" Good , just waiting for a call " he smiled at me and I bid him goodbye and walked out to where I parked my car when a call came my way , I picked it up .

" Why don't you pick my calls when I am pregnant with your child and how dare you block me .... How could you do this to me "

Came a shrilling sound that I had to pull a phone from my ear , this banshee .

"Am coming " with that I hung out and drove to Sam's apartment wanting to end this once and for all after I had called a doctor I've known and drove with him .

" Where the hell have you been ? " Came a welcoming banshee

" I've been busy with fixing my marriage that we broke " I replied walking past her with a doctor that she eyed carefully not knowing the man .

Well yes we had a partenity test and the results came 99% speaking volumes that am the father but Sam suggested another one with a doctor I know since the last time it was done where Bella chose and that there could be some forgery in that one .

She turned to me and tilted her head slowly to give me that disappointed angry look .

" Well what's done is done no one has ever gone back to the past so stop trying now it works only in movies and this is real life , Bill "

" And what's real , Bella ? " I asked her how crazy she sounded .

" The reality is that I am the woman you love , your marriage is over and I am the woman who's going to give you another complete family that she hasn't , she can't "

I scoffed at her , " Well except the part of pregnancy means the rest is a lie and I am going to test that suspicious truth too "

She smirked at me .

" We're doing the partenity test again and here is the doctor to do that "

Her face paled suddenly and I believed I won enough .

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