Figuring it out.

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"Maybe your feeling guilty."

I scoffed. I was standing in Kals shop, that was below the mall along with all the other sketchy shops, flipping through the shops junk drawer looking for something that could help me put my bass back together. Like Gorilla glue, and a few bass guitar strings, "Why would I feel guilty for smacking that stupid dweep?" I said closing the junk drawer after finding nothing. I lifted my head and nicked the tip of my nose on a axe blade that was sticking out of the wall. I touched my bleeding nose. Kal really should't put dangerous weapons right there, if 2d was here and desided to look through it, he would most certainly wack his head on the blade, because he was that tall.

"I don't know man." Kal said shaking his head, as he sorted through his cash register, "That's all I could come up with,"

I huffed and stepped away from the drawer and the battle axe. And I walked up to Kal's desk were he had his brown eyes focused down at the stack of money in his hands.

Kal was a interesting individual, he shaved the word SUS into his head, and I was pretty sure he had murdered someone before. Cause he was very cautious when it came to not showing his face, and he was terrified of the police, and every now and then I'd see him look at the big mount at the other end of his store, it was a moose head, but the mount itself was big enough to hide a body. But I've never pushed him on that topic, it wasn't my job to interrogate him.

I walked up to him, a glare on my face, me and Kal were trying to figure out this weird feeling I've been experiencing lately with my blue haired singer for the past few weeks.

We have entertained several different ideas. From lust to murder. And we still had no clue.

"Maybe you can explain what happened again?" Kal said looking up.

I groaned, I have 'explained what happened' four times already, "I knew he knew were my bass was, I tried to beat it out of him, I hit him to hard twice, and he fell on top of me. That was when the feeling first came." I said crossing my arms over my upside down cross.

"Huh." Kal said, leaning on the desk with his elbows and licking the corner of his lips. I could tell he was as confused as I was.

"I think I know!"

I looked to the door to Kals left, where Yana stood a big smirk on her lips.

Kal whipped around at Yana's voice. And started yelling at her to get out.

Yana worked in the shop next to Kal's and there shops had a door that connected, much to Kal's dismay, Yana ran some voodoo love thing, wasn't really sure what it was.

Yana scoffed and pushed Kal out of her way and pranced to the back of his counter.

"Hey!" Kal yelled, turning around.

But she had cut him off before he could say anything more, "Yeah so Murdick I think I know what that feeling is, tell me the story."

I wrinkled my nose and glared down at her. I didn't like the little nickname she just gave me. Yana was a short, round girl, with a nose ring, with little hearts dangling from it, curly blonde hair flowed down to her waist and she had big blue eyes, that were behind her fake eyelashes.

"NO!" Kal yelled grabbing her arm and trying to drag her back to her shop, "I am not letting you-"

Yana interrupted him again by elbowing him in the nose.

"OW!" Kal yelled stumbling back into the clutter behind his desk, clutching his nose.

"Now, please continue." She said making her way back behind the desk.

My Hot Kiss Ass Singer. 2d X MurdocWhere stories live. Discover now