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The sound of the rain hitting the ground made my eyes grow heavier. Considering I was already extremely tired, the rain wasn't helping.

I huffed at the fact that it just had to be raining during the first week of summer.

Since it was raining, and raining pretty hard, I had to sit in my house and do absolutely nothing. Zip. Zero. Nada.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my ringtone filling the quietness in my room. It was just the basic 'marimba' tone that the iPhone automatically gave you. But, I never felt like changing it so it's always been that.

Before answering the phone, I checked my caller ID. It was Ally, my bestfriend.

"Hello." I mumbled into the phone.

"Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to come over rather than sit around, doing nothing." She chuckled.

"How'd you know I was doing nothing?" I asked, smiling to myself.

"I know you." She said, I could tell she was smirking into the phone. We sat in silence for a moment, before she said, "I'll be on my way in 10 to pick you up. Pack some bum clothes. We're having a girls night in." She stressed the 'in' part, and I smiled.

"Sounds good to me." I agreed, not wanting to go anywhere in weather like this.


30 minutes. It's been 30 minutes and Ally hasn't arrived.

I've called her about 12 times and she hasn't picked up once. I was beginning to grow worried, so I ran downstairs to my mom.

Checking the window before I talked to my mom, I realized the rain had definitely grown heavier than before. It was pouring so hard, probably harder than it ever has.

Just as a roll of thunder caused me to jump, our power cut off.

"Great," I mumbled. "Mom, Ally was on her way to pick me up, but she was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago. She's not here yet. And, to top it off, she's not answering me calls."

My mothers smile turned into a frown, and an expression of worry.

"Oh dear." She rushed out. "Oh dear oh dear, oh dear." She repeated, over and over and over again.


"Sweetie, before the power cut off, the news said a tree had broken in two due to the horrendous lightning, and hit a blue Nissan Titan truck. Apparently, the driver has been rushed to the hospital. They were about to announce who it was, but the TV cut off.." My moms words were rushed, and scrambled. But I understood everything, and let what she had just told me process in my brain.

"Ally," I simply said. "No." I blurted. "No no no! This cannot be happening. Mother!" I frantically screamed, and ran outside.

"Logan, no!" My mom called, but I was already outside.

Ally drives a blue Nissan truck. My sobs and the pouring down rain was all I could hear, or manage to hear.

My body went into a state of shock, and I was pacing back and forth on our porch.

The rain hadn't gotten to me, since I was on the porch. But my shirt was already beginning to become wet due to my excessive crying.

My mom joined me outside, slightly resting her hand on my shoulder. She jumped from the roar of thunder, but then walked me over to one of the chairs we had out front.

"Sweetheart. It's okay. Ally's fine. She's a fighter; she'll stay strong. For you, her family, everybody!" My mom tried to cheer me up, but my frown didn't disappear. It remained on my face. "We can visit her tomorrow, as long as the storm calms down." My mom informed me.

The frown still rested on my plain face, that was now dried up from all the tears I let out.

I didn't want to speak, nor could I find anything to say to my mother. It's my fault. How could I let her drive in weather like this? I should've stopped her; no. I should've ignored her call!

"This is all my fault," I whispered.

"No, no sweetie. It's not. You just wanted to hangout. Don't blame yourself, please." My mother pleaded, rubbing circles around my back.

How could I ever forgive myself?


My eyes were wide open as I sat up in my bed. I couldn't seem to find any comfortable position.

Not that I could sleep anyways, even if I found one. Ally was running through my mind all night; the images of her face as the tree contacted her vehicle made me bite my lip to prevent the tears from spilling.

I couldn't imagine her pain, nor do I intend on imagining it. Only she knows how she felt, and that's the awful part.

She simply cannot express how she felt, or currently feels to anyone. It's an indescribable feeling, and indescribable thing to explain.

Sweat droplets dripped off of me rapidly fast, considering our power was shut off.

My silent cries were all i heard, as I forced myself to go to bed. Not for me, but for Ally.


"Sweetie. The rains calming down right now, and it's supposed to be worse than last night later. Bring spare clothes, and anything you might want for snacks or to play with at the hospital. We've got to go, now." My mother rushed out, vigorously shaking me back and forth to awake me.

She already had all of her things, so I just grabbed some more comfy clothes and undergarments, and any snacks I might want. I shoved it into the bag I had already packed for Ally's as I slipped on my rain coat.

I ran to the car my mom was already in, with my phone and it's charger in hand.

"Go! Go!" I screamed to my mother, shrinking in my seat as she sent me a glare for yelling at her.

The only thing on my mind was getting to Ally.


Forbidden (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now