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"Matthew," I scolded. "Don't scare me like that!"

He huffed before letting out a laugh.

We took our places back on the couch just like last night, and watched Netflix again. This is what we usually did; watch Netflix.

It was always entertaining, and it kept us busy.

The short hour we spent together quickly crept by, and Matthew had to leave.

Every Sunday at 5, he left and went somewhere.

Never has he told me where, but I've always wondered where he would wander off to.

"Gotta go. Bye! See you soon, Lo." Matthew left, leaving me alone once again.

Today, I was going to find out where Matthew went.

He was my only close friend since Ally, so I didn't really have anyone to come with me and help me on this little adventure of mine.

Maybe I could invite Riley from school? I sat with her at lunch. Or Hailey? No. I'll just go alone.

He was pulling out and sped left out of the neighborhood, so I quickly got into my jeep and sped off towards him.

I was closely behind, but not too close as to where he could see me.

He turned into a neighborhood that I've never heard of. 'Beckons Way.' Weird.

A lot of the 'popular' kids from school live here, considering the houses are equivalent to mansions, practically.

I wonder if he's hanging out with the cool kids..

He pulled into a brick home, and I parked at the house 2 homes over.

He walked in and was greeted by a tall blonde.

I believe her name was Hannah, but frankly, I wasn't quite sure. Her name could've been Samantha for all I knew. After he was for sure into the house, I walked up to the front of the home.

It was large; huge in fact. I was appalled by the size, and with the fact that Matthew knew someone who lived here.

He was always innocent; never has he done drugs or drank alcohol.

At least, I hope..

"Dammit," I groaned, stubbing my toe as I walked up the bushes by an open window.

I crept behind the bushes, and lifted my head slowly.

I immediately regretted doing this, as I saw a sight I didn't want to see.


Forbidden (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now