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Honestly, the dinner was uncomfortable and boring. But, I suffered through it for my mother. I'd do anything for her, considering she's done everything for me.

"Bye Raphe, see you at work." My mother winked to her boss..

Trevor slipped his hand into mine, and whispered goodbye into my ear. He winked before shutting the door, leaving me utterly confused.

If he thought that was cute, he must be confused, because as he whispered into my ear, he spit on to my face. Gross. Clearly it was unintentional, but really?

"How was dinner, mom?" I asked.

"Great," she giggled, starting the car to drive home.

I nodded and continued to scroll through my phone, wasting time I could've talked to my mother. Though, I've had plenty of time to talk with her since it's just been her and I for 10 years.


I took a shower, rinsing off the layer of filth I felt that my body contained.

Turning the shower off, I got out and wrapped myself into a towel. I wouldn't be doing anything tomorrow, so I just threw my hair into a messy bun since it was soaking wet anyways.

I slipped off my outfit, and replaced it with comfy shorts and a t shirt.

Doing my nightly routine, I used my moisturizer and cleaned my face, before slipping into my warm bed sheets. I'd just washed them, so they felt fresh and new. I love the feeling of new, clean bed sheets. It's quite refreshing, in my opinion.

My body was enveloped into a deep sleep, as my visions were replaced with a cloud of dreams.



"No. Daddy, please." I was frightened of the man in front of me.

Being only 7, I was really scared of my father. He always drank, and did bad stuff. I didn't like it. I just wanted a fun daddy who played with me. But this daddy doesn't do that.

"I told you to get Daddy a beer, didn't I!?" He yelled, making me plug my ears tightly.

"Yes dad. I'm sorry. I don't know where they are!" I attempted to come up with an excuse, but I failed to have one. I didn't know how to open the beer. Mommy always did it. But she was gone, at work.

"You know what that means, don't ya?" He screamed.

I slowly nodded, feeling my shoulders fall, and my eyes brim with tears.

My daddy grabbed a belt, and the last sound I heard was the thump from the belt contacting with my body.

"Daddy! Ow!" I cried out, pleading and begging for him to stop.

After two more hits, he finished.

"Stupid," he spat, leaving the room.

I placed my head in my hands, as I continued to let tears fall from my eyes. "Mommy!" I pouted, wanting to hold her and have her comfort me.

I heard a loud noise crash from downstairs so I slipped downstairs, even though I was in my jammie's

My tears had dried, so my mother wouldn't know daddy had been hitting me; if she was even home.

"Mommy?" I whispered. No response.

I crept into the kitchen, seeing something I didn't want to see.

(Dream end)


I shot up out of bed, sweating buckets. Breathing heavily, I turned and checked the time. 3am.

Having nightmares were a daily thing for me, considering the horrible trauma I went through as a child.

Usually I couldn't sleep after jolting up out of bed from them, and that was clearly the case as of right now.

I sighed before slipping out of bed, and making my way to the shower. If I couldn't sleep, I might as well let the time pass by quickly.

I realized I had left my phone in the bathroom overnight, not charging it, so I plugged it into my chargeable speaker and played some music.

My mother was a deep sleeper, and her room was also downstairs rather than upstairs, so I kept it at a low volume, but loud enough to hear in the shower.

I stood in the steaming hot shower, letting my stress be relieved.

In the shower, I usually just think, but tonight I've let my mind go blank. I'm just standing in a shower, doing an thinking about nothing.

After what felt like years, I eventually got out of the shower.

The cold air from our AC made me shiver as I went from hot water to the coolness filling our house.

"Ugh," I groaned, making the floor all wet.

I slipped a towel down and grabbed two more for my hair and body.

It was now 4:13am, and based on what my mother said, she should be leaving for work shortly.

I ran to my room, grabbed some running shorts and a t shirt, tossed them on and ran downstairs. Before making my way down, I grabbed my phone.

Once I was downstairs I slipped onto the couch, and within seconds I fell asleep.


I woke up and looked at the clock beneath the TV. 4:24. Oh, goodness, I only slept for 10 minutes.

Letting out a huff, I continued to remain in my same spot, as I heard my mother come down.

"Yeah I'm on my way." She laughed slightly.

"Oh hush, I'm coming babe."

Babe? Who could she be talking to?

"Bye." She giggled, walking to the kitchen, grabbing an envelope. It appeared to have green things in it, so I was guessing that it was cash.

Watching my mother leave with an envelope full of cash not only confused me, but it frightened me. What could she possibly be doing with all of that cash, and at this late at night?

She thought I was asleep on the couch, but she thought wrong. Ever since we've moved to Virginia, she's been acting pretty sneaky. Though we've only been here for almost a week, I've noticed a change in her behavior, and I didn't like it one bit.

I checked the time on my phone, before discovering Trevor had texted me. It was 4:30, what could a random number possibly be texting me for?

T; Hey Lo, it's Trevor. Your mother gave me your number since she wants you to be on good terms with her boss's daughter. Anyways, let's take a late night adventure. ;) pick you up in 30.

Why is he texting me? I don't like him, he's disturbing and gross. Plus, I barely know him.

L; sorry. i'm kinda busy trying to sleep.

I kept it short and simple, so I could have time to catch up with my mom before she was out of my sight. I really wanted to know what she was up to. It wasn't pleasing seeing my mother all, distant and what not. She truly hasn't been herself.

I ran downstairs and dialed up Sam's number; it's a good thing she stays up late.

"Hey Logan. What's up?" She mumbled into the phone.

"Come scoop me. I need your help." I rushed out. "Hurry."

"Walk over now. Meet me in the car." She muttered, hanging up the phone.

I ran to the drivers side as she tossed me the keys, running to the passenger side.

"What's wrong? What's going-"

"Just shush. I need to catch up to my mom." I snapped, regretting yelling at her for being confused.
"Sorry. I just can't let my mom know I'm behind her."

Just my luck, she was stopped at the neighborhood light, which was red.

She sped off immediately as the light turned green, and I barely had enough time to catch up to her as she caught the next light.

It was like I was in a high speed car chase; with my mom.

Forbidden (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now