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I stormed through the hospital doors, and straight to the check in desk.

"Ally Simmons, where is she?" I blurted.

"2nd floor, 3rd door to your left." The woman informed me. She tried to say something again, but I ignored her as I ran to the elevator.

"Cmon cmon." I muttered to myself, pushing the button to get to the 2nd floor.

I heard a ding, as the elevator doors opened, and exited the moving contraption.

"Ally, Ally!" I screamed, turning into her room.

I saw a sight I didn't want to see.

She was all locked in with tubes and bandages, and casts on her bed. The monitor for her heart was beating so slowly, that it's like it wasn't beating at all.

At this point, I let the tears spill down my face.

Not only did I feel like crying, I needed to cry for my bestfriend lying before me.

I gripped onto her one hand that didn't have a cast on it, and rubbed circles around her thumb. "Please be okay." I mumbled, as the tears wet my thumb after dropping from my eyes.

"I know we fight, but don't all bestfriends fight?" I laughed as the tears kept coming. "You're asleep right now, but I know you're in pain. When you wake up, you probably won't talk either. You'll probably forget how to." I chuckled, biting my lip. "I love you Allison Simmons. You were my first friend. When I got bullied, you were my shoulder to cry on. And now, after 13 years of knowing each other, here we are. About to enter senior year. Can you believe it?"

I smiled to myself, as my voice cracked throughout my entire speech to her.

Why do bad things always happen to good people?

She doesn't deserve this. Hell, nobody deserves this. I would never wish for something like this to happen to anybody. Not my exes, not my bullies, not my enemies. Nobody.

"Ally all I'm saying is..please, please wake up."


I sat in her room for another 2 hours, hoping for her to stir in her 'sleep' or to cough. But sadly, nothing. She practically looked dead, which hurt my heart.

Not that it wasn't aching already, though.

The doctor came into the room, interrupting my thoughts.

"Oh hi, you must be Ally's friend." She examined me, before handing me a clipboard. "This is all of the things that happened to your friend from the crash. And at the bottom, you'll read a summary report on what we predict for her future."

I nodded slowly, taking the clipboard from her grip. She left the room, leaving me alone once again. My mom had been talking to Ally's parents this whole time, while Ally's brothers were at home rather than being out in the storm.

It's understandable though. They can always come visit when the storm passes, but I just needed to be here considering I felt like this was my fault.

I scanned over the report.

Ally had broken 3 ribs, her left arm (good thing she was a righty), sprained her ankle pretty bad, and most likely had a concussion. Due to the lack of brain activity, it was hard to determine whether or not she had a concussion.

I gulped, nervous to read the report for what they predicted for her.

My eyes slowly looked to the bottom, where they predicted this coma could potentially never go away. The chances are slim for her to wake up, but they're there.

I let more tears fall from my eyes, as I dropped the clipboard right there.

Ally's parents and my mother darted into the room, clearly worried about me.

"Sweetie what's wrong?" My mom asked.

I just pointed down to the floor at the clipboard, as I noticed my hand beginning to shake.

I left the room as I heard Ally's mom begin to sob.

My mom was soothing her as I sat down on the empty waiting chairs in the room with a large couch and small chairs.

My face was buried into my hands as I heard the TV in the background.

At this point, it was inevitable for me not to cry.

I wiped my face dry with a loose tissue from a tissue box I noticed in the corner.

So many bad things are happening to me at once. Frankly, I don't think I could handle another bad thing..

I got comfortable on the couch, as a boy with dirty blonde hair, quiffed up to the left walked in.

He took a seat on the opposite couch, his eyes all red and puffy.

"I'm Matthew." He frowned, rubbing his eyes. "Sorry to intrude."

"It's okay." I smiled, before letting a yawn escape my lips.

Eventually, I found myself drifting off into a deep, deep sleep.



Forbidden (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now