Chapter Three : On the way to Hogwarts 𓍯𓂃

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「 ✦ 03✦ 」

‎‧₊˚✩ 🪐┈➤✩˚₊‧

⋆˚࿔ (Y/N) 𝜗𝜚˚⋆

𝕿𝖍𝖊 rain had been pouring for days, and before (Y/n) even realised it, the day of their departure to Hogwarts had arrived. A new and unfamiliar place awaited her. The gloomy skies, the fierce wind, and the heavy rain pounding against the windows seemed to echo her own emotions, as if the weather itself was sympathising with her, the only thing that truly understood her feelings.

She opened the old wooden wardrobe, hoping against hope that something different might greet her this time. But no, the same drab and dull clothes stared back at her. She half-expected that maybe, just maybe, something she liked would magically appear if she opened the wardrobe again. But alas, even in a world where magic was real, there were still limits. She selected a few plain garments to take to Hogwarts, just a handful of items, including two pairs of trousers that looked somewhat decent—if a bit unisex.

With a sigh, she closed the wardrobe once more.

As for Hogwarts, she had gathered quite a bit of information and facts about the boarding school where she was headed, thanks to (Y/n) Weasley's old textbooks and diaries. She had spent days engrossed in reading, learning more about the girl whose life she was now living, and the family she belonged to. One thing was clear: she and (Y/n) Weasley were worlds apart.

(Y/n) Weasley wasn't afraid to voice her thoughts, feelings, or opinions. She wasn't the friendly, girly type either; instead, she thrived on competition, especially with Harry. Her frustration with him likely stemmed from losing to him all the time. She loved using her Metamorphmagus ability to annoy and insult Ron, and while she wasn't close to Hermione, she always sided with her just to irritate Ron further. She had a close bond with Ginny, their younger sister, and often bragged in her diary about how quickly Ginny learned things and how much smarter she was compared to Ron.

(Y/n) Weasley couldn't stand Percy, the third Weasley sibling, who was snobbish and overly ambitious, now working at the Ministry of Magic. She found him irritating and annoying, often playing pranks on him. One time during their third year at Hogwarts, she bewitched Percy's water to turn into ink that smelled like hot chocolate. She got along well with Fred and George, especially when it came to teasing and pranking their siblings.

Some students were even afraid of her. (Y/n) had read an entry in the diary that said, "Fletchey didn't expect that I'd actually punch him. I don't like Harry that much, but what I dislike the most is people who spread rumors about someone... so when he saw me the next morning, he ran away like a cat with his tail between his legs."

(Y/n) Weasley was a kind of semi-bully, but a cool one.

After (Y/n) had gathered everything she thought she might need (making sure the knitting materials were safely tucked in her trunk—she grabbed them first so she wouldn't forget, knowing they'd be her lifeline there), she dressed herself in inky blue jeans and a plain sweatshirt. She tied her hair up in a messy bun, admiring the soft, thick, slightly wavy locks. (Y/n) Weasley had taken good care of her hair, and she couldn't help but applaud her for that.

She loved hair, even if she didn't like to admit it.

She'd never really had the chance to experience having long hair, except for the wigs she used to wear. Now that she had her own hair, it felt strange but, at the same time, new and different in a way she couldn't quite describe.

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