Chapter 13: My Flirty Friend

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Ashton had to go home not long after, so I was left alone. My leg was still throbbing and it was killing me. I got up and painfully walked to the bathroom and took medicine to help the pain. I went downstairs and got water then went back to bed.

I just read and watched movies all day. Someone came in my room and I see Luke throwing his backpack on the floor and laying next to me. I kissed his forehead and he giggled. His giggle is so cute.

"Why couldn't you go to school today?," He asks. I know I should tell him. I have pajama shorts on so I just throw the blankets off me and let Luke see for himself. I look at him and he looks heartbroken. "W-why?"

I explain mine and Ashton's friendship and then tell him what was running through my mind last night. When I finish I tell him how bad my leg was hurting this morning but that it was better now.

I'm slightly crying and I look at Luke to see a tear streaming down his face. "I'm so sorry," he quietly says. I just kiss him and wipe the tears off his face as he wipes mine.

"We have band practice tonight. Are you okay to come," Luke asks. I nod my head. "But we can't let Ash know about us because you know..." I say. He nods his head obviously not wanting to do that but understanding.

I get up and change into Luke's clothes that I took from him and say,"Let's get ice cream."


We get our ice cream and head over to Michael's house. We go inside and Michael's yelling at his computer. He's playing video games. Typical Michael.

We wait till he's done and he turns around frustrated. We laugh and he mumbles something to himself.

"Wait why are you guys here together and why is Holly wearing your clothes?" I totally forgot Michael didn't know yet.

"Well actually-" Luke starts before I cut him off. "Nothing's going on I was at his house so we could come here and I changed into his clothes. Thats it," I say totally lying to Michael. I feel bad but I don't want Michael telling Ashton.

"Promise?," Michael adds. I look at Luke then look down. "No," me and Luke mumble at the same time.

"Well when you guys decide to let me be a friend, you can tell me," Michael says taking the pressure off us.

We end up listening to music and just talking until Calum comes in, overly happy may I add. "Guess who has a girlfriend! This guy! I'd let you guys meet her but I don't want you idiots ruining it," Calum says.

"We're not that bad," Luke, Michael, and I whine at the same time. We all laugh and Calum says,"Saturday. I'll let you guys meet her saturday," Cal says. We run up and hug him.

Ashton soon joins us and we go to the living room so they can start their practice. About 30 minutes later Luke complains,"I'm hungry and want pizzaaaaa!" They all agree and then turn to me.

"Holly. We are giving you the honor to go and buy us a pizza. We can't because we're the band so you get the honor of doing it for us," Michael says to me. I sigh,"Fine. But I won't be happy while doing it." They cheer as I get up to leave.

As I'm opening the door someone grabs my wrists and I turn to be faced by Luke. I laugh and he says,"Since we can't do it up front of Ashton" And then he kisses me. When we pull apart he hands me $20,"I'm not gonna make you pay." I kiss him then leave.


Luke's P.O.V

I sigh. I really like Holly.

I go back to the living and Calum says,"Oh! I almost forgot! I wrote a song for us to play! It's called 'Gotta Get Out' and I wrote down a copy for each of us." He hands us each a piece of paper and I read the lyrics.

Even when the sky is falling down

Even when the earth is crumbling around my feet

Even when we try to say goodbye

You can cut the tension with a knife in here

Cause I know what'll happen

If we get through this

Wow. It's really good and I'm even at the chorus yet. I finish reading the lyrics and say,"This is great Calum. Good job."

We hear the front door slam and Holly comes in the living room with pizza. We eat and decide to play Calum's song next time. Holly gives me a confused look and I mouth,"I'll tell you later." She nods and we all say our goodbyes.

Holly and I start walking and I ask,"Can we have a sleepover?" I love falling asleep and waking up with her in my arms. She kisses me,"What kind of question is that? Who's house? Your's or mine?" "Your's was last so mine," I reply.

I kiss her and we walk to her house so she can get stuff for the night. She doesn't pack clothes, so I'm guessing she's going to wear mine. I love when she wear my clothes.

We get to my house and we go straight to my room and put on our, well my, pajamas. We lay in bed and talk. We talk about everything and we talk about nothing. I love that.

I somehow end up on top of her while making out with her. She throws my shirt off and I take her pants off. We both know we're not going to have sex but just make out.

We eventually pull apart and I hold her in my arms. She's facing my chest and I have my arms around her. She starts drawing patterns on my chest and I kiss her forehead as we both fall asleep.

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