Chapter 14: Boyfriend Material?

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Luke's P.O.V

We woke the next morning and went to school. School sucks.

After school we go straight to Michael's house for an emergency band meeting. Last time Michael called for this he told us he farted on his mom's pillow.

We walk inside and Holly, Calum, and I went to the living room to see Michael and Ashton. "What do you guys want," I groan as I plop on the couch next to Holly.

"We got 500 views on our last video!," Ashton and Michael exclaim together. My jaw dropped. I had been doing covers before this band and even with them we never made it even near 500.

We all decide to celebrate by making another video. We do a cover of Year 3000 by the Jonas Brothers and I thought it was great. Holly runs up stairs and I follow her worried that something happened.

I go up the stairs to see her holding in a laugh. "What happened you ran up here as if you were dying and now you want to laugh?" I was so confused.

"Calum and me were talking about how you'd probably do anything for me and how you care about me, so then he said to look upset and run upstairs and I bet he'll follow you. I did and look at where we are now." She explains.

"I do care about you a lot. And I probably would do anything for you," I say as I chuckle.

She kisses me which turns out into a make out session in the middle of Michael's house. "What the hell is going on here?" we hear someone yell. I turn around to see Ashton standing at the top of the stairs staring at us in confusion. Oh no.

He gives me the death glare and looks as if he's on the verge of tears. "Is he the reason you don't like me! Is he the reason I didn't stand a chance with you! Is he!," Ash yells.

"No Ashton it's not like that. I love you as a friend and I know I should've told you but I've had a crush on Luke before he was even in your band. I found out he liked me to but by then I already knew you liked me. We aren't dating because I didn't want to hurt you," Holly chokes out as she slowly walks towards Ashton.

"Why didn't you tell me? I thought we told each other everything?" Ashton softly says. "You never told me about the girl you liked-well me so I never told you. I din't want you to feel bad or hurt at that time either," Holly says to him quietly.

"You didn't want to hurt me but that's exactly what you did." He harshly says as he pushes past her into Michael's room. He slams and locks the door.

Holly looks at me with sad eyes and I open my arms out to hug her. She shakes her head and runs out of the house. I chase after her but she's to far gone. What the hell just happened?

Ashton comes running down the stairs and heads straight for me,"I fucking told you I had a crush on her and now you magically did to! How could you do that to me! I thought we were on bro code scale but I guess not!"

"You never told me you liked her! You probably told the other two but not me! I've had a crush on her since seventh grade! You're just selfish and didn't realize she has feelings to! Maybe if you were a good best friend you would've realized that! Now she's crushed and it's your fault!," I yell back at him.

He hurt her badly and now I'm furious. I run out the door and go to the store. I buy a flower and mini cupcakes. I practically run to Holly's house and go to her room to see she wasn't in there. She can't be doing what I think she's doing.

I run to the bathroom. I open it to see her sprawled on the floor with blood running down her thighs. My heart shatters. I pick her up and stat to clean her thighs. The whole time she doesn't open her eyes. She just sobs.

I clean everything up and carry her to her bed. I lay her down and kiss her forehead. I lay the flower and cupcakes on her bedside table and I go back to the bathroom. I find her blades and run to the kitchen to throw them away.

I grab a piece of paper and write,

I know what you're trying to find.

I care about you to much to let you do this.

I need you to stay strong.

Call me if you need to. No matter what.

Xoxo, Luke:-)

I put the paper in the spot where her blades were. I hope it helps her through what's wrong. I go to her room and lay in bed next to her.

"I'm such a fuck up. I do everything wrong. We never fought before. Now we are because of me. Next thing I know I'm losing you to. I'm so messed up," she says.

"Don't say that. It's not true. I'm never going to leave you. Ashton won't either. He just needs to calm down. He'll come back around. I promise," I softly say.

"Thank you Luke. For everything. Especially for the cupcakes and flower. That made my mood 1000x better."

I blush and kiss her cheek. She smiles and sits up. "I need to shower because I feel gross," She says. I laugh, but she keeps a straight face. "What," I say out of confusion.

"I can't stand. Can you fill up the tub so I can take a bath," She shyly says. I kiss her,"Of course."

I fill up her bath and go into her room to see her in her underwear. I stared at he butt until I got startled by her laughing. "Can you carry me to the bathroom?" I nod my head and pick her. She sloppily kisses my cheek and I laugh. I sit her on the toilet and leave the bathroom.

After her bath she limps into the room in just a towel and I run over to her to see if she needed any help. I just picked her up and set her on her bed.

I shyly get out a pair of her underwear and take my shirt off so she could wear it. She laughs and puts it on while I face the corner of her room. "I'm done you idiot," she sarcastically says. I go and jump onto her bed and we laugh.

We end up talking for hours until we both fell asleep.

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