Chapter 17: Mine

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Luke's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with the prettiest girl wrapped in my arms. My girl. Only mine. My offical perfect girlfriend. She slowly wakes up and I kiss her forehead. I really like her.

"Luke, I have a question." She says.

"I have an answer," I reply. What would this be about?

"What will happen with the band and Ashton and stuff?," she mumbles.

I forgot about that. I check my phone and see that today we have band practice. How will that even work? Ashton clearly hates me.

"There's band practice tonight so we'll just go and see how it plays through," I say as I kiss her face all over. She giggles and rolls off the bed and falls on the floor. I laugh as I hop over her and run into the bathroom.

I brush my teeth with the toothbrush I leave at Holly's house. I could live here forever. I have everything I need. Hair gel, body supplies so I will smell nice, and a whole drawer in Holly's room full of my clothes. And also all the clothes Holly keeps stealing from me.

I leave the bathroom to see Holly sitting outside the door. She sees me and crawls into the bathroom the pushes me out and shuts the door.

I laugh and go downstairs to make us breakfast. I make us waffles because they're Holly's favorite. I cut up strawberries and set the table. She comes down the stairs and smiles as she sees my masterpiece on the table.

I smirk as I pull her chair out for her. She sits down and I plop into my seat. We eat up and put our dishes into the sink.

I pick her up over my shoulder and carry her into her room as she hits my back trying to make me put her down.

"Put me down you shitbag!," Holly says while laughing. "If you insist," I reply as I drop her onto her bed. We laugh and I climb on top of her and start kissing her neck up and down.

I stop and look at her. "Guess what," I say.


"You're my girlllfrand!" I say as I kiss her soft lips. We both smile into the kiss and end up making out. She somehow flips us over so she's on top and straddling my waist.

She kisses down my neck and I silently moan. She smirks as she moves back up to my lips.

Soon enough she hops off me grabs clothes and runs into the bathroom. She comes back dress and ready for the day as she throws clothes for me to wear at me. I laugh as I get dressed right where I was.

"Really? You couldn't go to the bathroom," she smiles at me. I smile back as we walk out the front door.

"Where are we even going?," we say at the same time. We laugh and decide on going to the park.

We get on the swings and hold hands as we swing back and forth. We laugh mostly the whole time until we jump off.

We decide on going back to my house and ordering a pizza. We get home and run upstairs and build a fort. A cool ass fort may I add. We put on a random movie and wait for the pizza to come as we sit in the fort.

I hear a knock on the door and I run downstairs pay and take the pizza back to the fort. We eat it as we watch the strange movie.

We eat the whole pizza and then we cuddle as we change the movie to Finding Nemo. Soon enough Holly falls asleep in my arms and I join her soon after.


We both wake up to the sound of a camera going off. We look up and see Michael standing there while holding his camera.

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