Chapter 27: Hospital and Love

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Luke's P.O.V

After a day full of crying and silence we decided that Holly and I will stay while the rest go home and get some rest.

They all leave as I hold Holly in my arms as we lay on the cheap couch in the hospital's waiting room. Holly falls asleep and I grab her phone out of her pocket.

I make sure Ashton's mom knows what's happening and she explains how they will be back by the morning.

The lights in the room dim and I fall asleep.

Michael's P.O.V

I walk Haley home and tuck her into bed. I decide on using my fake i.d and head over to the bar. I love drinking because it helps wash away pain and right now, I'm in a lot of pain.

My practical brother tried killing himself. He was so hurt that he didn't want to live. I wish he would've talked to me. I don't know what I would do without him. He's the best guy I know. So happy, caring, and loving. He always put others before him but he needs to know that we love him to. I love him a lot. No homo though. I promise I'm not gay.

After sitting at the bar and drinking some drinks I could've sworn I saw Haley, my love, walk past with a beer in her hand.

I spot her sitting on a couch and I drunkenly walk over. My vision is a blur but she looks kind of different.

"Why hello there," I slur. She speaks but I ignore it and just crash my lips into hers. It doesn't feel the same but I continue on.

We walk up the bar's stairs and find a room. We fall back on the bed and continue on kissing. My mind wanders off and I have no clue what's happening.

Holly's P.O.V

I wake up to being shaken. I open my eyes and see an awaken Luke underneath me and a hospital nurse shaking us. She stops and we both stand up to face her.

"You guys are here fro Ashton Irwin, am I right?" she asks. We nod our heads as she leads us to a private room with a curtain.

It looks empty.

"I'm going to give him his medicine then you guys may see him. He's on the other side of that curtain," she explains.

I feel a smile on my face knowing he's okay. I look at Luke and he's smiling to. I peck his lips and wait right by the curtain for Ashton.

I hear the nurse call for us and I run to the other side to see Ash strapped up to machines. I'm so glad he's okay. He sees me and smiles a big smile.

Ashton's P.O.V

I wake up to the sounds of beeping. Am I alive? I open my eyes to see a nurse cleaning up my stinging arms.

"Hello Ashton! I'm your nurse, Jennette. Yesterday all your friends were here. They waited in a private and they were really worried. Two of them stayed over night in the waiting room. Would you like me to go get them?"

Holly and Luke. I know it's them.

I nod my head and she finishes up with my arms and walks behind a curtain. I wait for a while until my nurse comes back in.

"They're right on the other side of the curtain. I'll give you you're shot and you need to drink this whole cup of water before you see them, alright?" She's a very nice nurse.

I drink my water and she gives me three shots.

She puts band aids on them and yells,"Come on in you two!" She smiles at me them leaves.

One second after I see Holly run into the room with a big smile on her face. She looks horrible. Her hair is all messy, her eyes are red puffy and droopy, and she's really pale. It's all because of me. She loves me and thought she lost me. She's such a great friend. I smile a big smile and she runs over to me and hugs me.

I hug her back although it hurts my arms but I don't care.

"I was so scared Ashton. We all love you a lot," she says. We pull apart and I see Luke standing there smiling.

I smile back. I care about him a lot. He's my brother and I love him. He comes over and hugs me.

We talk as if nothing even happened until Grace and Calum come running in the room. "Ashton!" the both yell as they run over and hug me.

I can't believe I thought they all didn't care. Truth is they all love me.

We all talk and hang out until the nurses make them leave. Calum, Grace, and Luke all hug me and leave but Holly stays back.

"Holly? Where's Michael and Haley?" I ask. They didn't come and see me. "We couldn't get a hold of them," she says. I nod my head and she says,"Ashton, next time will you talk to us? We all really care and love you."

"Of course I will. I love you guys to. Do the 1D boys know," I ask. Nobody really talked about them. "We didn't know if you would've wanted them to know or not, so they have been doing touristy things all clueless about this," she explains.

"Oh okay well you better get going before the doctors bite your head off," I say lightening the mood. She smiles as she hugs me and leaves.

Haley's P.O.V

Luke has left multiple voice mails saying Ashton's okay which makes me really happy. I keep trying to reach Michael so we can go visit but nobody can find him.

I checked his house and he wasn't there. None of the others have seen him and by the time I stop trying and was going to visit Ash myself, I got a text saying visiting hours were over. Great.

I just go home and shower and hop into bed seeing it's 10 at night and everyone is tired and at their own houses.

I know Michael is okay and probably was just walking around clearing his head and doesn't have his phone or something.

Who am I kidding! Michael doesn't go on walks and he always has his phone because it has his video games!

I sigh as I toss and turn until I fall asleep not knowing how to find Michael.

Michael's P.O.V

After a night of drinking I wake up in a room that isn't mine or Haley's with a throbbing headache from being hungover. I roll over and see a strange girl laying next to me. Did I drunkenly loose my virginity to a girl that wasn't Haley?!

I throw my covers off to see I'm fully clothed along with the girl next to me. I get up and run out of the bar and walk home as a fast as could.

Everything was flushing into my mind now. I was heartbroken because of Ashton so I went to the bar. I drank a lot and thought that girl was Haley. We kissed and made out in bed but grew tired so we just fell asleep.

I'm glad I didn't fuck her but I still cheated on Haley. I love Haley. I have to tell her and it's going to break her heart. I'm such a fuck up.

I go into my room and just sleep away the pain.

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