Chapter 23: Birthday Party

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Haley's P.O.V

I was hanging out with Grace, Calum, and Michael the night before my brithday listening to Calum explain how he dropped out of school because he 'knows' the band is going to be famous. Let's hope so not only for Calum but just for the band.

Michael and I have been talking more and I guess Ashton has been hanging around him less because of me. Anyways, Michael and I are just flirty friends that have mutual strong feelings for each other.

When I said Michael and I have been talking I mean hanging out almost all the time and avoiding the others questions. Yes he also admitted that he thinks he had feelings for me.

Ashton said there were no hard feelings but it's still awkward but getting better. I guess that's good.

We're all having a sleepover tonight to celebrate my birthday the next day and I feel like this will be one of my best birthdays. People that actually care about me and Michael.

Grace said she brought alcoholic drinks but we were waiting for Luke, Holly, and Ashton to get here.

Luke's P.O.V

After getting yelled at and lectured for an hour for my piercing and not being at home at lot lately I finally convinced my mom to let me stay at Michael's house for Haley's 18th birthday.

I went into Holly's house and she explained how she bought me a present to give to Haley and I couldn't explain how great of a girlfriend she is.

I wrapped the present and signed the card and waited for Holly.

We walked to Michael's house and saw everyone except Ashton sitting in Michael's room. Ashton explained all the Haley stuff and I know he's mad at Michael because he thinks Michael stole her but I hope he still comes to the party.

We all start drinking but I only drink enough to get a little buzzed not drunk but the girls. Let's just say Grace doesn't have pants on, Holly keeps licking my face, and Haley keeps falling even while she's sitting.

We all just laugh and Ashton eventually joins us. He walks in the room and his expression to what was happening was priceless.

He drinks to the same state the girls were and we all wait for Haley to be officially be 18 and a legal adult. It's 11:59pm and Haley is spinning in Mike's computer chair, which will probably make her throw up, but it was nice seeing she was happy.

We watched the clock turn 12:00am and we all cheered and Michael crashed his lips into Haley's. I took a quick picture seeing neither of them will remember and when the pull apart they smile really widely.

Somehow we all ended up really drunk and blaring music and dancing like fools but I was so happy to be with such amazing friends. They were practically my family.


Haley's P.O.V

I woke up with an arm draped around my waist, in Michael's bed, with a pounding headache. I roll over to see I was sleeping next to Michael who had bed hair and drool falling out of his mouth. I giggled as I wondered how we got into this position.

All I remember from last night was drinking and turning 18. That was about it. I get out of Michael's grip and find pain killers. I take the medicine with a bottle of water I found and sat down.

I check my phone to see a text from Luke. It was a picture of Michael and I kissing under the clock that said 12:00am.

I kissed Mikey? I read what Luke said.

Luke: you guys kissed right as you turned 18 and i took a pic cuz it was cute the night ended with us all drunk and you and mike acting like a couple :-)

I hear noises downstairs and see everyone up and eating pancakes. "Happy Birthday!" they all cheered I smiled and said my thank yous as I sat at the spot that said birthday girl. I see a folded note and a tiara.

I smile and put the tiara on as I read the note.

Haley! Happy 18th Birthday! I just wanted to say something so come to me and I'll say it Mikeyxx

He's so cute. I eat and then go upstairs to Mike's room and see him sitting there fully dressed, awake and aware. I smile as he stands up and comes to me.

"Haley Mitchell. Will you be my girlfriend?"

My heart stopped and I felt my body melt. What? Did he?

I nod my head really fast and kiss him. He smiles into the kiss and hands me a present. I smile as I open it and see a ring that had writing on the inside.


I stick it on my finger and it fit great I smile as I kiss him again. I grab clothes and quickly change and fix my hair and the tiara and smile. I have the perfect boyfriend and it's my birthday. I'm so happy!

I run downstairs and there were balloons everywhere. I smile. I have the most amazing friends. We put music on and just hang out and I couldn't ask for anything more.

I feel Michael's hand intertwine with mine and I smile and peck his lips. We ate pizza for dinner and then cake.

Vanilla cake with chocolate frosting. My favorite. They sing Happy Birthday and I blow out the candles. soon after my face hits the cake.

I bring my head up and see them all laugh their tiny asses off. Haha. I look to my side and see Michael was the one who put my face in it. Of course. I grab a handful of cake in both hands and put one hand on his face with the other rub all over his shirt.

He gasped and everyone bursts out laugh again. Then we ate the parts of the cake that weren't on a body and opened presents. I told them not to get me anything but what good did that do?

Holly got me some of my favorite bands albums that I've wanted forever I thanked her a lot and moved on. Grace got me my favorite style bras and underwear. What a Grace move. I laughed and thanked her because I really needed those. Calum and Ashton got me a card with a lot of money. I thanked them because together they gave me $60! I then open Luke's present and he got me two band shirts and I thanked him. Then I opened a card from both Luke and Holly. It was nice so I'm keeping it forever. I thanked and hugged everyone and I had smiled all day so my face hurt but I still smiled a big smile.

Everyone soon left which left it just Michael and me.

We clean up and I kiss him. It gets heated and he carries me into his room. We make out until we both fall asleep in each others arms. Best. Birthday. Ever.

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