Chapter 29: Fixing a Heartbreak

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Luke's P.O.V

Calum, Ashton, and I walk into my house and plop on the couch. "Boys. What are we going to do with Michael. I feel like it has something to do with Haley because she's the only one who could hurt him that badly," Ashton says as he eats an apple.

I sigh,"I'll take care of Michael. Ashton you check on Haley. Let's try and find out what happened."

We all get up and walk out of the house. "And I'll go walk Holly and Grace home from school," Calum says.

"Alright just say nothing about the tour to Holly. Save it for when you're alone with Grace. I want to tell Holly," I say wanting to tell my girlfriend about the news. He nods his head as we all go separate directions.

I go to the pizza shop and buy Michael a pizza. I walk to his house and go to his room. He's laying in bed asleep. I sigh as I put the pizza down. I sorta pick up his room and find clean clothes for him to where after I force him to shower. Did I mention he smells awful right now?

I pull the pillow he's cuddling out of his arms and he starts stirring around. I start hitting him with the pillow and he groans.

"Go shower you smell disgusting," I state. He groans even more as we slowly walk to the bathroom with the clean clothes I gave him.

I make his bed and he comes back smelling way better. He plops onto his bed and I put the pizza next to him.

"Pizza Michael. Michael. Michael the pizza. The pizza wants you to eat it. Michael. Michael eat the pizza. Pizzzzaaaaa," I say while poking him.

He glares at me but sits up and eats the pizza. After his third slice he mumbles,"Thanks Luke."

I nod my head and sit down on his bed next to him,"You gonna tell me what's up?" He shakes his head and eats more pizza.

I take away the pizza and he whines. "Tell me and you get the pizza back." He sighs and actually starts to speak and explains his situation.

Ashton's P.O.V

I head over to the store and buy a tub of chocolate ice cream and head to Haley's house. I go up to her room and see her in the fetal position on the floor. I sigh as I go back down stairs and put the ice cream in the freezer.

I head back upstairs and go to the bathroom. I fill the tub up with warm water and bubbles and grab a freshly clean towel. I put the towel on the sink and go to Haley's room.

I pick her up and she cries into my shirt and I sit her on the toilet in the bathroom. She looks at me and I point to her then point to the bathtub. She nods and I leave the bathroom.

I go to her room and put a random disney movie on the t.v. I go downstairs and grab a spoon and the ice cream.

I go upstairs and set the ice cream and spoon on her bedside table. She comes back in her room in sweats and a tank top and she plops om her bed next to me.

I grab the ice cream and hand it to her. She slightly smiles and we watch the movie. There were times that she would start crying but slowly stop. I got bored of the ovie and she ate almost all the ice cream. I put the rest in the freezer and go back to room.

"Are you going to tell big brother Ash what happened?" I say as I sit next to her again. She gives me a sad look but starts to explain.

Luke's P.O.V

That was one hell of a story. So they love each other but broke up because Michael had a drunk, heated make out session with a slut.

Right now Mike is yet again today crying into my shoulder and I'm rubbing his back. He slowly calms down and says,"I fucking love her so very much Luke."

"I know, which is why you're going to fix it. I don't know how yet but you are." I say. He nods his head as he lays down and snuggles into his bed. "Goodnight Luke. I'm tired and going to sleep," he says.

This has to be fixed.

Ashton's P.O.V

Oh. Okay. So Mike cheated and Haley thought that if they stayed together that he'd cheat again and maybe go farther than making out so Haley broke up with Michael. But they said they loved each other. What am I supposed to say? What does a girl want to hear? Dang it.

She's currently face down into a pillow on her bed and I'm rubbing her back. "If you two truly love each other then you guys will manage to fight through this. It'll be okay I promise," I softly say.

She pulls her blanket over herself and says,"I'm going to sleep. Goodnight Ash and thank you for everything."

I get up and leave. This has to be fixed.

I text Calum.

To Calum: where r u and the girls????

From Calum: we r all at hollys house

To Calum: stay im coming

From Calum: alrighty

I text Luke next.

To Luke: u still at mikes

From Luke: just left

To Luke: go to hollys house

From Luke: kk

I get to Holly's house as fast as I can and see that Luke beat me there. "Guys! We have an issue that needs to be fixed and fast!" I declare.

Luke explains the story and I explain Haley's thoughts. They all nod and sit in silence thinking. "I have an idea!" Calum says as we start to plan out how to fix this.

Holly's P.O.V

After an awful, pointless week at school that Haley refused to go to we all decide today is the day we fix this break up. Grace and I head over to Haley's house and she her crying face down in the floor. It seems that she hasn't showered because her and her room smell.

I choose a cute casual outfit as Grace gets Haley up. I clean Haley's room and make her bed as Grace get Haley in the shower. Grace comes back and we wait.

Haley comes in the room with wet hair and just a towel on. We give her the clothes I chose and she gets dressed. We're all girls so we don't really care if we see each other naked.

She sighs and Grace does her make up. I brush, blow dry, and straighten Haley's hair and she looks great! She complains and says how she doesn't want to go out but we tell her that we need 'girl time' and she needs fresh air.

We go and start our walk to the mall. I hope this works.

Luke's P.O.V

Calum, Ashton, and I rush over to Michael's house after I get out of school. We go to his room and see that he's crying in the corner of his room. Calum chooses him an outfit to wear, Ashton cleans his room, and I get him up and in the bathroom.

"Michael take a shower." I demand. "Make me," he says as he tries to leave. I grab his wrist and say,"I will make you. Now take off your sweats our I will awkwardly have to do it myself."

He just stands there testing me and I guess we're going down the awkward path. He starts walking away again but as he turns around I pants him so he's naked in his hallway. Nothing we haven't seen before.

He groans and I turn the shower on and he gets in. Finally.

I go to his room and wait. He comes back and gets dressed. I blow dry his hair and try my best to style it like he does.

We then pull him out of the house and head to the pizza place. Good luck to us.

Holly's P.O.V

"Hey guys. I'm hungry. Let's go get pizza!" I say. Grace winks at me and we walk over to the pizza place. I check my phone.

From Lukey<3: ready

Here goes nothing.

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