When you cry

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Yato is caught off guard when tears run down your cheeks, and you hug yourself tightly. He's so unprepared for this since the only ladies he knows are Yuziriha and Lady Athena. Even then, they aren't as emotional as you, if the smiles or constant frowns they show are any indication.Nevertheless, you need comfort from something that happened, and your unicorn boyfriend will be there no matter what. To hell with it, Yato thinks to himself as he pulls you close and rubs your back gently as you continue to cry into his shoulder. While he's usually unprepared for comforting you, never let it be said that Yato doesn't want to make you happy again because that is some damn horseshit.

The Lord of the Underworld hates tears, or at least that's what you thought. Turns out he's just afraid of crying himself because his vessel is such a weak-hearted little boy. When you cry, Hades lets his host have the spotlight and comfort you while he sits away in the shadows. As it comes, Alone feels awful for whatever shit you went through and decides to let you stay in his chambers for a while until you cool off. Aw, so Hades does have a heart... a small one, but oh well. At least he's trying to help...

Will legit cry with you because he's a good boy like that. Seeing you break down in tears makes Tenma's heart shatter, and he feels his own tears streak down his cheeks. As soon as you run to him and jump into his arms, crying your heart out, poor Tenma wraps his arms around your waist and holds you tightly. Yato and Yuziriha will most likely find you guys curled up together in each other's arms, his arm protectively over your chest to comfort you. Aw, isn't Tenma the sweetest guy ever?

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