When he gets drunk

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Overprotective Drunk
Pertaining to his usual goofy personality, Yato becomes intensely overprotective of you when he has a few drinks. Anyone who steps into your vicinity gets blasted with an intense death glare and a powerful warning from your boyfriend. Trust me, Yato's not the most personable when he's drunk, especially around teenage boys. He despises boys, cute ones typically, with a burning passion.

Angry Drunk
He's usually pretty calm in Hades body, but Alone can get seriously angry after he pounds back some beer. Like, he'll go over to some random guy and threaten to splatter him, with his fricking paintbrush. And that's not figurative, either. Hades can literally do that, except he doesn't want to because in spite of all his accelerated anger, Alone still has enough honor to control his urges to destroy someone. Thank the gods for Hades ending up with such a sweet and kind vessel. Otherwise, who knows what would have happened had the Lord of the Underworld have ended up in the body of a crazy person. The world would suffer....

Emotional Drunk
Oh my god, is he ever. No sooner than he drinks a bit more than he's supposed to, Tenma gets....embarrassingly emotional about everything. When he sees you walk away to get a drink, Tenma will literally fall to his knees and bawl, begging you not to leave his side. Even if you have just gone to the bathroom, Tenma immediately latches onto your legs and weeps into your knees, his grip increasing the more you try to push him off. So yeah, you can't go anywhere without your sweet Pegasus boyfriend breaking down into emotional shambles over the fact that he thinks you're leaving him. Yeah, Tenma is possibly the worst drunk out of both Yato and Hades. Jesus, this poor guy......

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