When you break up with him

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You're joking, right? Alone would never allow you to break up with him. He's the God of the freaking Underworld. Hades can have his freaking superior make you be bound in chains on the castle floor if he wishes. But on the off chance you do manage to escape him, Alone will be depressed. He pretends to be happy with your decision, but Hades is actually broken by you deciding to leave. He spends most, if not all, of his days in his chambers, painting different pictures to get his mind off you. With heartbreak in its truest form, ultimately, that never works...

Pick an emotion and find out how Yato feels about your break up.Seriously, his heartbreak is so strong that Yato feels at least several different emotions at once, and he just can't take it. He's no longer the arrogant and proud saint he once was. In fact, Yato basically becomes incredibly weepy, and he can't stop crying over you. Tenma and Yuziriha very much wish the two of you would be together again, for eternity, just so Yato would be able to smile again...

Oh, poor sweet thing. Tenma acts like everything is fine between him and you, but his smiles are obviously forced and don't reach his eyes. Truth be told, Tenma's trying not to talk about you because it's hard moving on from someone he swore to love more than life itself. In the dead of night, Tenma is plagued with nightmares about Alone and waits for your arms to hug him after he wakes up, only to remember you left some time ago and he's on his own. This sad feeling, along with the memory of his heart getting broken that day, makes Tenma begin to weep miserably because he misses your warm touch. You were the one thing in Tenma's life that kept the nightmares away. Now, it feels as though the heartbreak from your failed relationship is covering Tenma's heart in shadows that he's not sure he can fight off alone....

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