Chapter 2: The Chaos

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Chapter 2: The Chaos

Faith's POV

I woke to the smell of scrambled eggs and crispy bacon cooking downstairs. The wonderful smell makes me wonder.

Who cooked this marvelous breakfast?

All of a sudden, the smoke alarm goes off and a burning smell wafts into my room. I hear yelling, but it's drowned out by the alarm. I quickly rush downstairs.

"-do it!" Lou finishes.

"Well, who did it then?" Niall yells, "I want breakfast!"

"Be patient, ok?!" Harry's voice rises to a shout.

"All of you QUIET!" Liam yells over them. I sneak out and turn off the alarm.

"Thanks for turning it off, Faith," Niall turns to me in desperation. He was as hungry as Louis said he would be, huh.

Lou goes to the other room, and I hear him start to snicker. Harry gives a low scowl at Niall, who now is a little bashful.

"Oh quit it, you two, especially you, Harry," Liam says, "I'm getting hungry. Can't blame Niall for being such, either."


After Harry's breakfast, everyone's stuffed. It was delicious!

"Wait a second," I said, "Harry, what did you use to make the breakfast?"

"Uh..." Harry thinks for a moment. I run into the kitchen and check the refrigerator.

It's almost empty except for one jug of orange juice, a few leftovers, and a tub of butter. I turn to Harry.

"Sorry about that," Harry says apologetically, "I used the rest of the eggs. It was still a good breakfast, right?"

He winks at me, and I laugh.

"Well, I guess we'll be eating out for lunch then," I say, "and afterward shop for more food."

"Why don't you write out a list," Zayn began, "and we'll do the shopping for you?"

"That'll be great!" I said.

"Here's the catch," Liam said, "You'll be hanging out with Niall."

Niall looked up from his daydream, then looked at me. "Great! We can go to the park then!"

I rolled my eyes, then agreed, "Alright then. Don't take too long."

"We won't let you down, Faith! Come on, let's go Lou!" Harry tugs on Louis' sleeve.

"I should've told you this earlier," he said, "I can't go with you guys today."

"WHAT!?!?" we all shouted in surprise and disbelief. Liam calmed down and stepped up to Lou.

"Louis, I'm not letting you abandon us again on another trip we're taking. You're going with us," he said, irritated.

Abandon us again? I inquired in my head. Strange.

Louis sighed, "Fine then. I'll go."

"That's our Louis!" Niall exclaimed, "Let's go!"

Louis wasn't that excited, but he went anyways.


Since my house isn't that far from the park, we walked there while Dante drove the others to the store. Despite the strong storm, it was very sunny and warm, though it was still a little muddy. Luckily, that was starting to dry up.

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