Chapter 2

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Kylie woke with the sun in her face. She groans before turning away and going back to sleep. She groans once again as sunlight hits directly in her face. Wait a minute. She opens her eyes and immediately regrets her life as she shuts them close from the flashing light in her face. "Come on, get up Ky!" In that moment, she regretted ever going to that one dance class all those years ago. "Go away, Ruby!" She takes the pillow and covers her head. "Damn, after everything last night? I see how it is." Ruby smirked.

"We kissed, Rube. We didn't get married." Kylie finally sits up. She wasn't going to escape her best friend. "How dare you! I would make a great wife!" Ruby countered. "And you're not wrong, you would. Just not my wife." Kylie laughs. "You're right, that spots reserved for Malia." Kylie peeks her head through the pillow. "What are you talking about?" She asks. "Ky, I've known you for a decade! I see how you look at her. I see how you are with her. It's obvious that you like her. So why don't you just tell her?" Ruby rubs her arm. "I don't know, Rube. I mean, what if she doesn't feel the same?" Ruby looks at her, unimpressed. "You're kidding me, right? Please tell me you're fucking joking." Kylie shrugs. "Ky, there's clearly so much chemistry between you two. And you know it, what are you really afraid of?" Kylie bites her lip. "I don't know, I don't even remember the last time i had a boyfriend. And's new. It's different. A good different, but I've never been with a girl before. I don't know how to proceed about this." Ruby nods as she thinks about the options that Kylie might have. "Well, you could always tell her. Worst case scenario, she doesn't like you back. That's it, we're all professionals and we will handle the situation with grace....and ice cream in my hotel room." She jokes. Kylie laughs. "And best case?" "Best case? Well, i think Kylie might get her first girlfriend...." Ruby sings in a teasing manner. Kylie rolls her eyes as she slaps her arm. "Shut up." She blushes slightly.

The door suddenly opens as the cast enters. "Let's go people, we got an interview!" Josh comes in with the rest of the cast behind him. "Oh, did we interrupt something?" Malia notices the tension between the two besties. "No." "Nope." Dara raises her eyebrow. "Ok, well, let's go people! We have hair and make up in half an hour!" They all hurry to get dressed and head down stairs where there's two cars waiting for them. One car has Kylie, Ruby, Malia and Morgan. The other has Dara, Josh, Peder and Tristan. Kylie keeps glancing at Malia, who's busy on her phone, and Ruby who keeps eying her with a smirk on her face. Kylie rolls her eyes before she takes out her phone and texts her.

Ky👽 - Stop staring at me!

Rube🌹 - I'll stop staring at u, when u stop staring at her!

Kylie looks up at her with wide eyes.

Ky👽 - Am i that obvious?

Rube 🌹 - Kinda, but it's cute. I haven't seen you this hung up on someone in a long time 🙈😻

Ky👽 - Shut up!

The car suddenly stops and everyone climbs out. "Alright guys! Right this way!" One of the workers guided them through the crowd of paparazzi and into the building. "Hey guys! Good to see you! Before we get started, we'll be doing multiple segments today like finish the lyric, impressions and much more. So I'm gonna split you guys into a couple of different groups. Kylie and Malia, since you two are the stars of the movie, you two will be together. The VK's will be together and then Morgan, Tristan and Ruby. We'll regroup after a while." They all pair up, as the grips hook them up to mics. As the game begins, the tension between them seems to disappear as they get comfortable in playing the game until one song in particular comes up. "Aahh!" "Ah!" "Now this is the song of the summer, right!" Kylie shouts. The songs before they both hit the button. "Is somebody gonna match my freak?!" They both sing before glancing at each other. Tension thick in the air as they both glance at each other's lips. "That's it." "Yeah, that's it." "I am obsessed!" Kylie takes a risk as the next words come out of her mouth. "I feel like you match mine." The double meaning is not lost on Malia as she looks at her. "I feel like you match mine." "We match each other's freak." Kylie smiles as she hugs her. "Aw!" The game ends as the producer has them exit so they can reset the game. They pass Ruby, Tristan and Morgan as they walk on set. "Hey Rube!" Kylie smiles at her. "Kylie! Was it hard?" Kylie tilts her head. "Eh, not really." Ruby nods and pulls her in for a hug. "You need to tell her." She whispered. Kylie pulls away and looks at her. "I mean it." Ruby walks over to Tristan and Morgan so they can start the game. Kylie sighs as she joins Malia in the dressing room.

"Hey! I guess Joshua, Dara and Pedar are still doing their segment." Malia smiles from behind her phone. Kylie takes a deep breath before she walks over and sits next to her on the couch. "Can we talk?" Malia puts her phone down. "About what?" "About the kiss?" Malia stares at her. "What about the kiss?" Kylie stares back into her eyes before she suddenly grabs her face and pulls her closer. Their lips clash into one another as Malia's hands roam down to Kylie's bottom. She pulls her onto her lap as Kylie brushes her tongue against her lips, begging for entrance. Malia obliged and soon they were in a heated make out session. Kylie knew she had to stop. This is one compromising position she did not want to be caught in. Malia's hands grip Kylie's ass as she pulls her closer, causing her to grind on top of her. Kylie moans into her mouth as she buries her hands in Malia's hair. "Fuck...." Malia moans. Kylie seems to come to her senses first as she suddenly pulls away. "Wait! Wait, we shouldn't be doing this." She breathes heavy as she looks into Malia's eyes. "Oh fuck it." She goes back in for one more kiss before she moves onto Malia's neck, leaving sweet kisses all over. "Kylie...." Malia moans, her breathing heavy. A knock on the door causes them to jump apart. Kylie quickly sits next to Malia and tries to fix her hair and make up. "Come in!" Malia tries to do the same as the door opens. "Hey, they're done filming so we gotta go. More interviews to get to." They both nod as they stand and follow everyone else out. Ruby spots Kylie before she jogs up to her. "Hey, how'd the talk go?" She smiles. "Talk? What talk?" Kylie's face feels flushed. "Ky, you did talk to her, right?"

"Umm...." "What were you two doing this whole time? Actually, no don't answer that, i think i already know and I don't want to know." Ruby shakes her head as she smirks. "Damn, Ky. You really are a sucker for her, aren't you?" She asks. "I am not!" Kylie blushes even more. As they walk back to the cars, Kylie catches Malia's eye, both smiling at each other. "Told you, sucker." Ruby walks past her. Kylie sighs. "Ok, maybe i am." She watches as Malia gets into the car and pats the spot next to her as Ruby lifts an eyebrow. She can either sit next to Ruby or Malia. She sighs before walking over and sitting down next to Malia. They smile at each other as the car starts moving. She glances over at Ruby who's smirking this whole time as she mouths 'sucker'.

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