Chapter 14

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"Your honor, i would like to go up there by myself." Malia tells the judge. "Very well, you may proceed Miss. Baker." She goes to the stand and repeats the process that everyone else did. "Miss. Baker, in your own words, what brings you here today?" Malia thinks for a moment. What brings her here? To say that Kylie burned herself that made it look like a hickey was kind of cutting it short. But what really brought her here? The whole cause of this situation? "I fell in love." She replied. Kylie smiles at her. She smiles back as she blushes. "With Miss. Cantrall?" "Yes."

"And did you ever act on it?" He asks her. "Yes. I kissed Kylie." He nods. "Did you ever do anything more than just kissing?" "Yes." "What did you do?" Malia sighs. "We kissed, we shared a hotel room so we have seen each other naked before." Malia blushes. "And have you ever gone beyond that?" "No. We never had sex." "Did you want to?" "Of course i did. She's my girlfriend." "So then, did Miss. Cantrall want to?" She knows what this is. They want her to say something incriminating about Kylie. To paint her as the bad guy. "No. She was always the one stopping it before it went any further." "Further than what?" "Than kissing and light petting." Malia sighs. "Petting where exactly?" "She never touched me, if that's what you're getting at." He nods. "Did you touch her?" "No." "Hmm, you see, we got a permit and we investigated your room. The one that you and Miss. Cantrall share? And we found this." He pulls out the dildo from the night they shared together in a clear bag marked evidence. If Malia wasn't too focused on keeping her heart from pounding out of her chest, she might have had time to be embarrassed. "What about it? It's not illegal to own a sex toy."

"So we ran some tests, and we found both yours and Miss. Cantrall's DNA. Care to explain?" She had no time to panic. "Is it a crime to masturbate?" She asks. "No, but if she used this on you, it is." She can feel her heart jump into her throat. "Did she?" Malia closes her eyes as she realizes she can't escape this. "Yes." She whispered. Everyone in the court room gasps. "Hm no further questions." He goes to sit down with a smug look on his face. Kylie sighs as she hides her face in her hands. "Does the defendant have any questions for Miss. Baker?" Kylie's lawyer was quick to stand. "Miss. Baker, while a sex toy was involved, did Miss. Cantrall herself actually touch you?" Malia shakes her head. "No. She did not." "Did she in any way, shape, or form sexually harass you?" "No." "Did she molest you?" "No." "Did she abuse you?" "No." Malia was quick to answer no to all of it
Because it's true, she didn't. "Would you say that you love her?" Malia looks at Kylie. "She's the love of my life." Kylie smiles at her. She wanted nothing more in that moment than to run up to her and hold her tight. Shower her with kisses and never let her go. Unfortunately, she couldn't. "So, all of this was out of love, correct?" "Yes." "Miss. Baker, you're a Canadian native, yes?" "Yes, i am." Malia nods. "I was planning on moving to LA just before Fall." "Hmm, and Canadian Law, the Romeo and Juliet law to be specific, states that it is legal for a minor and an adult to engage in sexual activity with consent. It's too bad we're not in Canada." He smirks. Malia glares at him. "It's good thing we never had sex then." He glares back. "No further questions."

Kylie's lawyer steps up. "Miss. Baker, how long have you known Miss. Cantrall?" "Two years." "And would you say it was love at first sight?" "Yes." Kylie's eyes widen. She didn't know that. Malia's felt this way since she was fifteen? "And it wasn't forced, it wasn't co-oerced, you weren't tricked into falling for her?" "No, never. It was the most natural thing in the world. I've never felt so....loved. Like it was....meant to be." Malia smiles at Kylie, who's nearly in tears. "I love you." She mouthed. Malia smiles and mouths it back. "No more questions, your honor." Malia steps down. As she walks back to her seat, Kylie couldn't help but pull her in for a passionate kiss. Her hands gently caress her face as Malia wraps her arms around her waist. "I love you." "I love you baby." Malia then hurries back to her seat. "Alright, if that is all, we will take a short recess for the jury to make their decision." He bangs his gavel before everyone stands. Kylie takes a deep breath. "Hey." Malia touches her arm. "You got this." She smiles. The significance is not lost on either of them as that is the same line that Chloe gave Red before she opened the cookbook in their movie. Kylie nods. "I hope so." "I know so."


Oops, did i end it on another cliffhanger? My bad 😏

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