Chapter 7

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Kylie woke up the next morning, cuddled up with Malia. Still naked from last night. She woke up with her face in Malia's chest. Or should she say breasts. For someone who was so young, she really did have pretty big, beautiful, natural breasts. She was almost jealous. But then again, she gets to enjoy them. So can't really complain.

Suddenly, the door swings open. "Ok ladies!" They quickly scramble to find their clothes while trying to cover themselves with the blanket, which would be easier if they weren't both trying to steal the blanket from each other. "Oh don't even bother, Kylie! I've already seen you naked!" Mel tells her as she keeps her hand up, covering her from seeing Malia as she looks directly at Kylie. "Wait, excuse me?" Malia looks over at Kylie. "It's not like that, she's my manager. She has to be there for my fittings for photoshoots and wardrobe changes and whatnot." Kylie reassures her as she puts her bra on. "Anyways, a little warning would have been nice." She glares at Mel. "I did warn you. I texted you multiple times since 5AM this morning. You two and the rest of the cast have a mess of virtual interviews today with multiple articles writing about the movie. So," she reaches down and grabs a shirt, after inspecting it, she casually tosses it at Malia. "Get dressed, get downstairs and we'll all head over." Mel smiles before walking out. "Oh by the way," she pops her head back in, "congrats you two, I'm happy for you! Just don't actually have sex yet!" She shouts as she goes back to the elevator to head downstairs.

Kylie blushes out of embarrassment as she shakes her head. "Oh my god, i am so sorry about her." Malia laughs as she puts on her bra. "Don't be, she cares about you. About us. And she's supportive. That's all we can ask for at this point." She grabs Kylie's hands. "Now, where's my good morning kiss?" She smiles. Kylie gently caresses her face as she pulls her in and kisses her passionately. Last night's feelings were still very present. She had a girlfriend. Malia was her girlfriend. The feeling and realization finally sank in and she felt giddy. Like some grade school crush or that feeling you get when you get your first kiss. Or first boyfriend, or rather in this case, girlfriend. Malia places her hands on Kylie's back as she guides them around the bed. She smiles into the kiss before pulling away and kissing her nose. "I'll see you in a bit." She closes the bathroom door behind her. Kylie stands there for a second, utterly confused. What just happened? Wasn't she just standing by the bed? Wait a minute.... "Did you just use that kiss to distract me so you could use the restroom first?!" She shouts as she bangs on the bathroom door. "Maybe!" Malia replies, a smirk on her face, no doubt, Kylie thought.

After they both finished, they rushed downstairs to meet up with Mel and the rest of the cast. They all head to the virtual interview. "Please, for the love of god, try and keep it subtle." Mel begs them. "Hey! We are subtle!" "No you're not!" Ruby shouts as she passes them while throwing away a candy wrapper. "That better be sugar free, Ruby!" Mel shouts after her. "It is!" Ruby waves her hand. Mel throws her hands up. "That woman says that as if she isn't allergic to sugar. Ky...." Kylie shrugs. "I can't control my best friend." Mel sighs as she sits in her chair, behind the camera. "Let's just get this over with, please. We have a long ass list to get through." As the interviews and questions drag on, one question comes up that has them thinking and not in the best way. Or maybe it was. "If you could relive any moment in your life, what would that moment be?" The first thing that came to both of their minds was immediately last night. Stolen glances, heavy sexual tension, the smell of hot sex and arousal in the air. And they didn't even have sex.

"Do you have a moment?" Malia asks her, stealing a secret glance. "Oh you know the moment...." Kylie raises her eyebrows. "Oh, i do." Malia flirts back. They both end up laughing at the inside joke and innuendo of it all. After coming up with a lie to answer the question, the interview wrapped up shortly after. "Thank you guys for coming, i think your co-stars still have some questions, but you're more than welcome to stick around or wait in the car. I'm sure your manager will let you know if we need you back." They both nod. "Alright, thanks." Kylie grabs Malia's hand and drags her outside. All the cars were parked in the back so no fans would see them. They get in the car and Kylie immediately sits on her lap with her hands in her hair. "What the hell was that Malia? You almost told them we were dating? Huh? And teasing me like that?" She starts humping and grinding on Malia's lap, desperate for any kind of friction. They take off each other's coats as their tongues fight for dominance. "Fucking shit!" Kylie moans. She takes off her coat before she wraps her arms around her neck. "Ugh, fuck Kylie." Malia moans beneath her. She grabs her by the neck and pulls her closer. "You like that? Huh?" Kylie smirks. Malia nods, breathless. "Ooh, does someone have a choking kink? Yeah? You like being dominated Malia-baby?" Kylie leans in to whisper in her ear. "I need to hear you say it." Malia nods. "Yes, i do." "Good girl." Kylie kisses her again, biting her lip as she pulls away. There's a knock at the window, letting them know their times up. They quickly fix their clothes and make up before the car doors open. "I told you they were here, Rube." Ruby rolls her eyes before getting in the car, followed by Mel and everyone else. "Alright everyone, on to the next stop!" Her manager shouts before glancing at the two. "Um, are we in-" "No time! Sit your asses down and let's move!" Mel glances at Kylie with an apologetic expression on her face.

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