Chapter 9

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It was early morning when Mel once again burst through the door. "Alright, lovebirds! Up! Up, up, up! We got interviews, we got meet and greets, we got a bunch of shit today- what's on your neck?" She eyes Kylie. She slaps her hand on her neck. "Ow, uh, it's not what it looks like?" "Then please explain to me what that is." Mel blinks. "I took a shower late last night so i had to blow dry my hair, but I didn't want it to frizz so i straightened it and i ended up burning myself." Mel stares at her before glancing at Malia who nods. "It's true." Mel shrugs. "Ok, well, both of you, go get ready." "Wait, wait. You.... believe us?" "Are you lying to me?" Kylie shakes her head. "No, i swear to you. I am not lying." She nods. "Then ok, look, i know it looks bad, and it does. From an outside point of view. But I've been there. I went out with someone who was three years younger and trust me, we did alot more than you two are or aren't doing right now, i don't judge. And my wife is six years older than me. And we've been together know what? Nevermind."

Kylie smirks. "You were about to expose yourself, weren't you?" Mel shakes her head. "No." "Mhmm. Anyways, I'm telling the truth, i promise. We still have not had sex." Mel nods. "Ok, well your personal life is your life. I'm only asking that you let me know if and when that changes so that i can prepare for anything to come. Rumors, unwanted attention, out of pocket interview questions. I'm not telling you to tell me to be nosy, trust me, the last thing i want to hear about is your sex life, but i need to know if this," this motions towards them, "goes any further. Because I'd really rather not have Kylie arrested. Now, move ladies! Chop, chop!" She pushes them both towards the restroom. "Brush your teeth, clean your face, whatever you gotta do! We leave in ten minutes!" She closes the door and answers her phone. "Gotta love Mel, huh?" Kylie laughs. Malia shakes her head. "I swear, she seems like a good manager." Kylie nods. "She's the best. I can only imagine what it's gonna be like when i actually go on tour for my own solo music." Malia smiles. "Oh yeah? Is it ready yet?" She wraps her arms around her. "I'm not hearing teeth brushing!" Mel shouts from the other side of the door. Kylie laughs and pulls away before grabbing her toothbrush. Malia follows suit and soon they're ready within 8 minutes. "Damn, new record ladies! Alright, let's go!" They all head to the first interview.

"Alright guys, we're gonna split you up again. But we're gonna do it differently this time. Kylie, you're with Ruby. And Malia, you're with Morgan." Kylie squeals as she hugs Ruby. "My Rube!" "Kylie!" Malia and Morgan look at each other before copying them "Morgan!" "Malia!" They tease. The other two roll their eyes. "Hey! Don't hate us cause you ain't us!" Ruby flips her hair. Malia laughs as she shakes her head. "See you after the interview?" Kylie nods. "Absolutely."

The interview goes smoothly until about halfway when Ruby nearly exposes her relationship. "The Kylie and Malia ship edits! Keep em coming!" "Ah!" Kylie nervously laughs it off. "Keep em coming!" In that moment, she wonders if her girlfriend was doing any better with her part of the interview. "The Ella villain theories I've heard! So, who knows? Maybe in the next one? Maybe not, I'm not confirming anything! Don't quote me!" Morgan laughs. "Do i say Glassheart?! No-" Malia jokes. Morgan nearly chokes on air as she laughs as well. "Oh my god!" The interview ends shortly after. The young couple was catching up when Mel pulls them both aside. "Are you trying to get my ass fired?!" She asks. "What? Mel, i would never fire you!" Kylie reassures her. "Not you, Disney! If they find out that you two are dating, I don't know what'll happen. Not because you're both female, but because Malia is still seventeen. Now, i will admit that Disney has gotten a hell of a lot more lenient ever since i was there but that doesn't mean you two can go nearly exposing shit." Kylie frowns. "Why? Cause we're both girls?" "No, cause Malia is underaged. Look, i can and i will always protect you the best that i can but I can't help you if you get caught." She stares at Kylie for a moment. "Please tell that make up JUST now worn off. Please tell me you did not just do that entire interview with a very visible mark on your neck. A mark that i guarantee you, people will mistake for a hickey." Kylie quickly grabs her bag from Mel, cause of course her manager has her bag, and looks at herself in her mirror. "It was covered. It was covered this whole time right? You can't see it in the interview?" Kylie turns towards Malia who just shrugs. "I think?" "No no, no thinking. Yes or no?" Kylie bites her lip. "Oops." "No, no oops. We don't go oops, what oops?" Mel shakes her head. "I think the fans might notice my neck in that interview." Mel sighs. "Can't you just tell them to edit it out?" Malia asks her. "I can't. I don't control what IMDb does with their footage. It's theirs, they have the right to do whatever they please." "Soo, we're screwed?" Malia asks. "Let's hope not, but you are in for a field day online with that interview alone. Let's just hope no one notices that mark on Kylie's neck. But then again, if your shippers are anything like Camren's shippers were-" "Who's Camren?" "You're definitely screwed." "Wait but who's -" Kylie shakes her head. "Mm-mm, don't. It didn't end well for them." "Ooh! Was it all the fans?" Mel sighs. "Yes, and they lost a very beautiful friendship because of it and i don't want that to happen to you." "But were they even actually together?" Kylie asks. "I'm not at liberty to say but let's just say, hearts were definitely broken. Now I'm gonna keep an eye out on social media as soon as this video is posted and I'll keep you posted alright?" They both nod. "Just, promise me, no matter what happens, do not let anything get in between your friendship. Not relationship, look at me, both of you. Your friendship. Promise me." They both nod. "Yes ma'am."

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