Chapter 5

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Just a simple walk in the park. Nothing extravagant or anything. So then why the hell were they both so nervous? Though they would never admit it. There was a shift between them, a change in the air. Maybe cause this was an official date rather than them just hanging out like before. "Malia, you ready?" Kylie shouts as she grabs her phone. After she replies to a text from her manager reminding her about an interview later, Malia opens the door. "Ready!" "Alright," she puts her phone in her pocket and looks up, "goddamn, Malia." "What? Is it bad? Do i look bad?" "No! No, no! You look beautiful." Kylie smiles as she wraps her arms around her waist. "Aw, thank you! You're looking not too bad yourself." Malia smiles. Kylie laughs. "You ready to head out?" Malia nods. "Yeah, let's go." As they're about to leave, the door opens suddenly. "Oh good, you're both still here. Don't forget, you guys both have interviews later today. Separately, unfortunately." Mel frowns. Kylie shakes her head. "Don't worry Mel, it's ok." "Alright, go out, have fun. Please be discreet, if any fans walk up to you, you're just hanging out." They both nod. "Yeah, we got it."

"And Kylie, sorry. You know i have to." Mel frowns. Kylie sighs. "I know." Malia looks between them. "What?" "While we're here in LA for some press for the movie, Mel wants me to come into the studio for a bit as well and work on some new songs." Kylie tells her. "Yeah, but that's not till like 5 or 6, but then that means you won't be done till like midnight at the earliest. Sorry Malia." "No, no. It's fine. I mean, as long as i can get a sneak peek at the newest single." She glances at Kylie. "Oh don't ask me boo, you gotta ask her." She turns her attention towards Mel. She smiles widely. Mel sighs before caving. "Alright fine. But only because you're Kylie's girlfriend." She shoves them out the door. "Wait, wai- Damn it, Mel!" "The faster you two get your date over with, the faster you can get in the studio!" Mel shouts. "I'm sorry about her. She just....cares deeply." Malia laughs. "It's fine, i wish i had a manager that cared that much." Kylie smiles and holds her hand. "I told you to sign that contract." Malia sighs. "I can't. The contract is a recording contract." "It's a management contract." Kylie corrects her. "For recording artists. I'm just an actor. I don't even know if i wanna get into music yet." Malia shrugs. "Well, whatever you decide, i'll support you 100%." She squeezed her hand. "Thanks boo." Malia smiles. They continue walking, chatting about nothing and everything at the same time. Kylie buys them both an ice cream each before they sit on a bench. Malia every once in a while tries to steal spoon of her ice cream before Kylie retaliates and does the same thing. It feels like it ends all too soon as they head back to their hotel, where there's a car waiting for Kylie outfront. She kisses Malia on the cheek goodbye before getting in.

"You know, you should be careful kissing your girlfriend in public like that." "I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet." Mel rolls her eyes. "Oh please Ky, you two have known each other for two years, I've had to suffer watching you two shamelessly flirt with each other this entire time. You're girlfriends. Now let's go, we're gonna be late." They get into the car and head to the recording studio.

Once they get to the studio, Mel practically shoves her in the booth and they start recording Kylie's new songs. Halfway through, they take a water break. "Damn Ky, you're in the zone today, do i have a certain dark haired brunette to thank?" Mel smirks. Kylie smiles. "Maybe." Mel nods. "Mhm, you guys haven't done anything yet right?" Kylie shakes her head. "No Mel, we have not. You can stop worrying about that. We're not allowed to anyway." Mel holds her hand up. "Hey now, whoa! I never said you guys can't do anything. You just can't have sex with each other yet." Kylie chokes on her water. "What do you mean?" She asks carefully. Mel rolls her eyes. "Ky, you act as if you don't know what sex toys are." Kylie's eyes widen. "Mel!" She blushes. "What? I'm just saying. That's one way that you can touch her without actually touching her. That's all." She glances at her. "One way? What do you mean?" Her manager shrugs. "I mean, there's always video chat for long distance, sex toys, mastur-" "Ok, ok! I get it, can we please stop talking about this?" Kylie quickly realizes that she needs to stop this conversation, with her manager of all people, before she goes too far down the rabbit hole. No pun intended considering they were still filming Rise of Red currently. The thought did peak in her mind, they can't touch each other, but that doesn't mean they can't touch themselves....while in the same room, maybe....

The hours drag on until it was time for Kylie to head back to her hotel for some rest and Mel to do some editing. "Don't overwork yourself!" Kylie tells her as she puts her jacket on. "Don't get arrested!" Mel shouts back. "Damn it, Mel!" Kylie blushes deeply. "I'm just saying! Wait till December, after her birthday please! When she's legal! Oh! And tell her i said hi!" Mel smiles sweetly as if she wasn't just giving her shit for being extra careful earlier. As if she wasn't just giving sex advice about how to get around the law earlier. "Who are you sometimes? I'm just wondering." Kylie laughs. "Just go and get some rest, Wonderland!" Mel teased. "Hey! I make a great Red!" Kylie grabs her stuff. "No arguments here! Get some rest sweetie!" "You too Mel!" Kylie smiles as she gets in the car and heads back to the hotel where Malia is no doubt waiting for her. She loved Mel, she was like a big sister. She keeps it real while still somehow managing to be quite endearing.

She texted Malia that she was on her way back but she got no response. The poor girl probably fell asleep, Kylie smiles to herself. The image of Malia cuddled up in her blankets with her little hoodie on, no doubt. She thanks her driver as they pull up before she steps out and heads for the elevator. She presses her floor, her eyes barely keeping open. It wasn't until she heard the ding that she snapped out of it. Damn, she needs rest. She walks to her and Malia's hotel room and pulls out her key. She quietly unlocks it, careful not to wake the younger girl before she closes it behind her. She turns to take off her shoes when she stops at the glorious sight in front of her. Malia, naked. Masturbating on HER bed. Where did she get that dildo?

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