Chapter twenty five

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As Annika slid into the car, her brothers greeted her with the usual mix of casual curiosity and teasing banter.

"So, what did the principal want?" Ethan asked, glancing at her through the rearview mirror.

Annika took a deep breath, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. "Oh, he just wanted to welcome me to the school," she replied, forcing a smile.

Her brothers seemed to accept this explanation without much fuss, but Zayn's eyes narrowed in suspicion. He didn't buy her story and his skeptical gaze lingered on her for a moment longer. Annika met his stare defiantly, willing him to drop the subject.

The drive to pick up Charlie was filled with light-hearted teasing. James and Braden ribbed Hunter about some minor mishap from earlier, and Hunter retaliated with jokes of his own. The atmosphere was relaxed and cheerful, a sharp contrast to the tense encounter she'd just had with the principal.

When they arrived at the school to pick up Charlie, he bounded into the car, his face lit up with excitement. "You won't believe how great my day was!" Charlie announced, settling into his seat. "Everyone's been so nice to me. They all want to make sure they're invited to my party!"

His enthusiasm was contagious, and the car was soon filled with laughter. Charlie continued to boast about how he felt like a king, and the playful ribbing from his older brothers only made him beam brighter.

As they drove home, Annika's mood shifted from the day's events. She tried to push away her lingering anxiety, focusing on Charlie's infectious joy. But when they arrived at home, the fun and laughter abruptly ended.

Mr. and Mrs. Carter were seated on the sofa, their expressions grim and serious. The change in atmosphere was palpable, and Annika felt a sinking feeling in her stomach.

"Boys, go to your rooms," Mrs. Carter said, her tone brooking no argument. "We need to speak with Annika."

The brothers exchanged worried glances but obeyed, heading upstairs. Annika was left alone with the Carters, their stern faces making it clear that this was going to be a difficult conversation.

As the door closed behind the boys, Mrs. Carter turned her full attention to Annika. "Annika, we need to talk about what happened today," she said firmly. "I've heard from the principal that there have been some issues."

As Annika stood in the living room, feeling the weight of the day pressing down on her, Mr. and Mrs. Carter took their seats, their expressions serious.

Mr. Carter began, his voice stern and uncompromising. "Annika, we need to talk about your behavior today. Skipping classes and talking back to a teacher are unacceptable. This school has rules, and part of being here is learning to respect them. It's not just about following the rules; it's about showing respect for your teachers and your education."

Annika bit her lip, avoiding eye contact. She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, a mix of embarrassment and frustration.

Mr. Carter continued, his tone unwavering. "You're old enough to understand that actions have consequences. You need to take responsibility for your behavior, not just apologize and move on. You've already received detention from the school, and that should be a wake-up call."

Mrs. Carter, sitting beside him, took a more gentle approach. "Annika, we know this is a new environment for you, and it can be difficult to adjust," she said softly. "We understand that you might be struggling with the change, but it's important to remember that every action has consequences. We just want to see you succeed and find your place here. Try to keep a positive attitude and avoid letting these issues happen again."

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